


“What are you doing?” I managed to ask, my breathing already becoming labored. “Why shouldn’t I move?”

“To answer both of your questions in one, I want to show this pretty pussy some love, and if you scoot back, you’re going to ruin it for both of us.”

I vaguely registered him using the L-word, but I hardly thought it meant anything in the context he used it. My heart missed that memo and went ahead to skip a beat just because he said the word out loud anyway.

“I won’t move,” I agreed huskily. Expecting him to drop right to his knees and dig in like he had done before, I was surprised when I felt the dip of the mattress on my left when his knee hit it, the warmth of his body hovering above mine, and the soft press of his lips on my mouth.

He kissed me lavishly, passionately. My hands slid up the toned muscles on his back and into his soft hair. My moans disappeared into his mouth.

When he finally stopped kissing my lips to pay attention to my neck, my shoulders, my ear, and my c
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