
38- He did care

She started trailing her tongue on the rough skin of his face and even giggled when felt ticklish against her tongue.

“River!” Marwick wanted to protest but it came out as a moan and River closed her eyes.

“You never told me you tasted so good, Marwick Garner.” Her face was still wet with tears and her azure eyes were looking at him with so much innocence.

She kept holding him but leaned back her head to have a good look at him.

“Your tears are… still there. Are you still crying?” Marwick asked her softly making her chuckle. She couldn’t speak so she just nodded.

“Can I wipe your face,” he asked her, slowly leaning his head towards her face, “If you allow. I need to wipe your tears.”

River blushed and nodded, her heart fluttering at his gentle voice, "Yes, please," she whispered, feeling vulnerable in his presence.

Marwick started wiping away her tears with his thumb, his touch sending shivers down her spine, "Please stop crying" he said softly.

And then he did something unexpe
Lisa Salman

Sorry for the previous author's note. Something got messed up. I updated 2 chapters on 1st August. This is the first update of 2nd August. Today's second update will be after around 12 hours. Lisa Salman-author

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goodnovel comment avatar
Lauren Michelle Taylor
Glad they are connecting more! Curious why Marwick is keeping such a distance?

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