
God Emperor Died


“We won’t stay,” Felix said, but he was looking at me instead of Bruess.

“You won’t,” Prince Bruess said to him. “What about the Lady Clara? I hope that you are made of sterner stuff than to bend at every whim my brother has.”

“You make it sound like he has me under his thumb,” I said, and Felix made a sound of disgust.

“You are under his rule, whether you like it or not. You only think that because Prince Legiere has made you his new favorite,” Felix said. “You don’t know do you? How many favorites come and go? A lot of the stupid ones thought that they had special immunity. Mark my words, you’ll end up in the gutter like them.”

Bruess watched Felix and whistled. The birds on Felix finally flew back into their cage. “And you, little shadow?” he asked. “When will your time come? When will my brother tire of you too?”

Felix bared his teeth. “Better to be the lapdog of a winner than a loser like you.”

“Better to not be a lapdog at all,” Bruess said evenly. “This is the unfor
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