
chapter 11

Under the shadows

(Warning-This chapter has mature content)

Alister’s POV

I let out the smoke and leaned back on my throne, it has been a while since I killed someone, two days presumably.

I sigh and see a man being dragged my way, he fell down right on my shoes and I lifted his face using my shoe.

“Pakhan(leader), we have found the man” said a man and I nodded at him slightly.

The man lowered his gaze with terror and I gave him a bored expression, “Name?” .

No reply.

Bang, I shot his right arm and again asked, this time more calmly, “Name?”.He screamed and started making noises.

“G-ggio-gio” he stuttered, I am getting really bored now.

I kicked his face that was resting on my shoe.

“I don't like to repeat myself yet I did that for you, so answer or go to real hell” I said as I got up, he held my leg, begging for mercy while blood oozed out of his wound.

“G-giovanni s-sir, please don’t send me there” he pleaded, his face decolourized.

“So you were flirting wit
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