

Hey, Y'all!

May 6th is the most important day of my life. It's my birthday. After a certain age, celebrating this day or talking about it in public, didn't seem all that important to me. But this year... well, this year I felt the need to make an exception. 

The other day, a friend asked me what gift I wanted for my birthday... 

Well, I said to her I wanted nothing because thanks to you all, I have everything I want and more. You, guys, are the best gift ever. Every single one of you. I'm not trying to suck up, if that's what you're thinking. No! I pride myself on being honest and real with you. I've said those things to you because I like to think we're friends, and because I think you deserve to know how I feel about you. 

2023 has been a tough year for me, so I've entered 2024 kinda tiptoeing around Goodnovel, not sure about writing anymore. Up until a few of you contacted me here and on my socials, asking if I was okay, and wondering about a new story. So, I've decided to push aside all my doubts and fears and... write again.

Well, "HAVING HIS BABY" is the result of the care, interest, and kindness you've shown me. This story is a labour of love. You took this book to heart and gave me back the trust in myself as a writer. You are amazing!

Thank you for reading my stories, this one, in particular. 

Thank you for not yelling at me when my characters made you cry and get angry.

Thank you for making me laugh with your funny comments here and on my socials. 

Thank you for sticking around, and for pointing me in the right direction.

Thank you for your friendship. 

Baci & Abbracci


(if amongst you there are others who are celebrating their birthday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me to you!)

Comments (12)
goodnovel comment avatar
Emma Swan
you can find me here anytime you want or on my social, if you need a chat. Thank you so much, Traci, for all your support and wonderful words. so happy to have you back.
goodnovel comment avatar
Emma Swan
Hi, my dear Traci. Man, I've missed you around here. let's say that I was present on GN but I was absorbed by the editing of Waking Up With The CEO. That part did its number on me, so I had to stop and breathe. and live a little. let my family see me, see I was still alive. :) I'm not leaving GN.
goodnovel comment avatar
Emma Swan
thank you so much, Susan. as you can see, it is not. there's still so much to be said. and written. <3

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