
Chapter 34; I'm so happy you're back

Coraline's POV

I did not go to work the next day like I had said I would, nor did I go the day after. I laid in bed all day wondering if I was doing the right thing by wanting to get on with my life or if I should still be mourning my dead child.

A week rolled over and on Monday I was tired of my little pity party, I got dressed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Becca and I, when I was done with that, I woke Becca up, bathed her, and got her ready for daycare. We were eating breakfast when Elijah walked down, dressed impeccably in a charcoal designer suit, his hair was slicked back and he looked ready to dominate the boardroom, so basically the way he looked every morning.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw the way I was dressed, his eyes were slightly widened and his body was stiff, " you going somewhere?" He asked.

I wiped the crumbs of eggs from Becca's face before responding, " Oh yeah, I'm going to work. It's Monday and I know the cafe is going to be very busy, Mei
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