

Ace POV:

I frowned, the crease on my forehead deepening as I observed her behavior.

Something is definitely wrong.

"What's wrong, Mini?" I asked, my tone soft but insistent. I shifted closer, hoping to catch her eye and reassure her with my presence

"Nothing," She shook her head almost imperceptibly, her gaze still fixed on the pages of her notebook.

"Really, I don't think so," I reiterated gently, my voice laced with worry.

"Just t-tired," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

But her words didn't convince me. There was something more, something she wasn't saying.

Later, when I returned home, Hudson's said she hadn't emerged from her room since she had returned from college.

As I entered our bedroom, I found her curled up on the bed, her back turned towards me, her hair cascading over her face like a veil.

It was a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self.

Weird. Very weird.

Releasing a sigh, I entered the bathroom to freshen up.

After spending some time under the comfo
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