

Iris POV:

I anxiously scanned the room, feeling the weight of everyone's attention shifting towards us.

"Ali, let's go and talk somewhere else" I pleaded, my voice tinged with urgency.

"NO! NO! " She screamed as it dripped with a mix of frustration and fury.

"Let everyone see what type of girl you are and your INNOCENT FACADE! " She gripped my arm tightly.

My ears felt hot as everyone looked at me.

"Ali, you're drunk, please..let's talk privately" I interjected, perplexed by Ali's sudden outburst and aggressive stance.

Startled by the sudden appearance of someone blocking my way, a surge of shock coursed through me.

What the hell!

What is Ares doing here?

"Stay away from her, girl," Ares' voice, low and authoritative, cut through the charged atmosphere like a blade.

Of course, Why would the guys leave me without a bodyguard? How sweet.

"Fuck off!" her anger surged forth, her futile attempts to push Ares met with unyielding resistance.

He was made of steel. He didn't even mov
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