

IT WAS YVES' happy day because this day onward was the start of their relationship with Xyneth. He will make sure that Xyenth won't regret choosing him and he will enternity love her and do everything just to protect her with all of his strength. No words nor numbers can measures how happy he is when Xyneth finally said yes. It may sound so corny but that how he feels.

Yves woke up without a heavy burden on his heart when he saw Xyneth who was sleeping beside him peacefully and also Xavy who was hugging her on his right side.

"Oh, you're up?"Yves said while Xyneth was rubbing her eyes using her two hands, the she greet him.

"Good morning, how's your sleep?"

Yves' smiled and pinched her nose lightly, "Good ofcourse, since you were here with me."

"Since when did you became this corny?" She joked while chuckling.

Yves pouted, "But it's true, I don't even know why I became like a corny person but if it's for you, I'd gladly say something corny if that

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