
Author: Marriona Brandt

Chapter 1 Hannah

I’ve always been in tune with supernatural things, much to the dismay of my Aunt Julie and Uncle Greg.  I can’t blame them, they always wanted a normal life for me, but that just isn’t in the cards for me.  I guess I always knew there was something different about me I just didn’t realize that my experiences weren’t the status quo. 

The feelings, the visions, my ability to sniff out and thrust myself into dangerous situations without a second thought has always just been my normal.  Therefore, I am constantly on the move.  Always a good idea to disappear when you have, for a lack of a better term, a superpower.  My spirit guide always tells me that I have to “haul ass before the bad guys try to exploit you and the good guys come to depend on you”.  Uncle Greg says I am a nomad, always traveling, never in one place for long. 

When I get the itch to just get in the car and drive; I go.  I always felt at peace when I was driving.  Alone in my car looking out to the road ahead.  The smell of rain drifting in my open windows.  The first drops splashed my windshield as I moved to roll them up.  Looking at the world through a rainy windshield, a kaleidoscope of colors blurring together, you can make out shapes, but it isn’t quite clear. 

A certain organization to chaos before the slate is wiped clean revealing the sharp edges, and clearly defined boundaries.  It’s kind of a metaphor for my life.  I have wondered what it was that drew me to things.  I’m never surprised when I find myself in a sticky situation.  I just wonder sometimes if what I am doing is right, and if the gifts that I have do contribute to any hope of goodness in the world, or am I just cog in the fate of some grand scheme?  I like to think that I have a choice.  I’ve seen good and bad in the world, heartbreak, and happiness always present, and never what you expect. 

Feeling everything and knowing more than a person my age should sure is exhausting.  Aunt Julie often asks me how I am coping with the life I have chosen for myself.  Mostly, I’m just tired.  Tired of how frequently I am drawn to terrible experiences.  I need more first birthdays, high school graduations, and 75th wedding anniversaries.  Sure, an appreciation for “services provided”, especially when the person didn’t realize they needed help, is always welcomed.  I just wish that my life was a lot simpler.  What I would give to spend a lazy Saturday on the couch reading a book. 

Not that I have a home to put a couch in, or books for that matter.  I just wonder sometimes who is going to rescue me?  I feel a sudden longing for peace that I know will not come any time soon.  As if on cue, that pesky law of attraction sends me something weird.  Out of nowhere something dashes out in the road, right in front of my car.  The biggest dog I have ever seen in my life is standing in the middle of the road.  When I say biggest dog, I’m not kidding.  It’s basically a pony. 

I slam on the brakes and barely stop in time.  My tires screeching on the wet pavement as I skid to a stop.  Fido turns to look at what nuisance should dare drive on the road it is crossing.  Really pooch?  You know that the reason this black paved thing exists is for me to drive on it, right?  As usual, curiosity gets the best of me as I look at this magnificent creature.  Its golden fur bristled on the back of its neck obviously as surprised as I am at our sudden encounter.  Standing as if ready to pounce, head down and legs posed to make a move, it was hard to really tell how big this thing was. 

I don’t know what possessed me, but I opened my door and stepped out of my car, I needed to get closer.  As if confused it stood up straight and looked at me tipping its head to the side.  I’m hypnotized by its vibrant green eyes.  “Hello handsome”, I say.  If I were to stand next to it, not that I would, but if I did its back would reach just below my elbows.  In my head I imagined it ask me “Lady, are you crazy?  Get back in the car!”.  Something in those Jade eyes pulls me into what I know has to be a false sense of security.  

It’s a feeling of ease, like I am supposed to be here in this moment.  I slowly step away from my car, something is drawing me in, making me want to get closer to it, and I feel a need to touch it.  Once I feel that pull, I have to follow through.  I have experienced this before, it’s magnetic, and I can’t stop myself.  This time is different though, it’s stronger.   As I move to the front of my car, its head angled up smelling the air.  Just as curious about me as I am of it.  suddenly, just as quickly as it appeared, it’s gone.

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