
Chapter 3

"Please... give me another chance, Warren." She wiped his fake tears which made me laugh sarcastically.

"Are you making me laugh or what?" I asked her sarcastically.

"It's true! I didn't do that cheating on purpose! I was just really attracted to Raven..." she whispered that made me grit my teeth.

"Cheating is cheating, Nyx. You should have known that after doing that, you will lose the person that you have for almost five years!" I shouted at her. It's my first time shouting at her.

Is she trying to slap the fact that she cheated on me? That she likes my brother and does everything for him? That I lack something?

Fuck it.

"Get out! Everything is done!" I continued to make her flinch. I tried to calm down but the thing that happened yesterday made me watch it all over again in my mind.

She knelt in front of me so I was surprised. "Please... you lack so much , so I looked for it in your brother-"

"Get. The. Fuck. Out! Even if I have something that I lack for you... it's not enough for you to cheat on me!" I growled at her. "I don't want to see your face! Get out!"

He stood up from kneeling and left my office so I relaxed again in the swivel chair and closed my eyes.

It's tiring. I became so emotionally exhausted to the point that I'm lacking something. I made sure to do everything for myself because on that day, I found myself alone in this dangerous world.

Ever since Mom died, I took care of myself because my father couldn't do that anymore. It was like he completely abandoned me because he found someone better.

That he finds me a pebble rock that he needs to throw away because there's a new rock that he found. That he no longer found me a beautiful rock because he replaced it with a new one.

"This Company is mine. Even if they try to take it away, everything will fall in my palm in the end." I whispered and smiled in so much satisfaction.

"Even if Raven tries to take it away, he will never be alive the second day of it. No one will take my crown away."

If I just planned that day... if I was just careful about everything... this would never happen to me.

I'm such an idiot.

I'm such an idiot to think that my father will never betray me again.

"The written in the last will is me your father, Warren. You don't have the right here in my Company." It gradually grinned at me and my eyes widened.

No... no...! I saw the last will! My Mom's last will is shown by her attorney! It was the original last will that he showed and read to the shareholders.

So why? Why is he holding the last will with his name buried to it?

I looked at him with horror. He called me in the conference room with shareholders without me knowing it!

Why didn't my Secretary tell me this!? Why didn't I know about this!?

Everyone is looking at me with pure happiness. It was shown by their faces.

They betrayed me.

Why!? Why!? Why is everyone... why is everyone betraying me?

What did I do? What did I do to receive all of this!?

Why did they all betrayed me!?

I clenched my fist as I watched them looking at me as if they were happy that my father would take over the Company that my mother had worked so hard for!?

I looked around the entire conference room. Raven and her mom Ashley were there. My Secretary was there and next to Raven.

Did my secretary also betrayed me?

Everyone betrayed me.

Raven grinned at me so I clenched my fist even more. His mother clung to Raven's arm and grinned at me as well. They were happy to see my face.

The betrayal in my eyes.

I bite my lower lip until it bleeds. It was painful! Betrayal is the most painful because it was your own father who betrayed you.

"There's no property that was left for you, Warren." My father continued as if he wasn't embarrassing me in front of them. As if I didn't matter to him.

Why did I think that my Father ever cared about me?

Was it because of the money? Was it because he wanted the money that my Mom had?

"I would like to strip the position that Warren's have," my Father said to everyone. Did I ever matter to him? Why is he betraying me?

I can't talk as if there's a pile of stock in my throat. It's like something was blocking me from breathing. I want to talk and defend myself!

I want to defend myself in these monsters!

Warren's face was blank while looking at his Father. All of his emotions are mixing up while looking at them. His mind is wandering where he did wrong. Does the god want to punish him for being happy with his mother before?

Who will I trust again?

Why did they betray me?

Those are the questions that were surging in Warren's mind because everyone betrayed him.

Everyone betrayed you, Warren. You're worthless that's why they did that.

Warren's mind is spinning and he can't talk anymore. He was nauseous at everything that was happening to him.

"I would also like to put my oldest son to be the new CEO. He was more fitted in that position." I didn't hear the father I loved, his voice is new to me. This is not my father.

I was just standing in the door while looking at my father with no emotion.

But the last words of him are the ones that killed me the most.

"And lastly, I will strip every title and assets that Warren's have and give it to Raven. He's my son." He smirked at them and everyone started clapping. I can't talk because I was so shocked.

All I do is to be kind to them.

"H-he's your son? Then, what about me?" I asked, hoping that he would say those words to me.

"I never had a son like you. Raven is the only son I have."

There it was as if I was stabbed with thousands of knives that I just now experienced again. My father whom I trusted the most is the one who betrayed me.

Why would he kill me? Why would they do this to me. I want to run away but my feet won't make me walk, to run away with the monsters.

"You made the right decision, William," one of the shareholders said.

My heart is becoming more blank as I hear their words and approval about stripping everything to me.

Everything that my Mother's worked hard for.

My father turned to me. "You should pack your things and leave my house immediately. It's not your house anymore so leave. I don't need you," he said coldly and turned to the shareholders once again.

He doesn't look like he was suffering at his words to me. He's not even apologizing for how they embarrassed me.

I have to leave. There's no room for me anymore.

I opened my mouth while looking at him blankly.

"Good bye and go fucking die." I turned and walked away to the conference room, thinking of how I should leave the house.

I have at least 40,000 in my secured room. It will be enough to make a living for three months and I will find a job to continue living and take everything back.

That day another crack had formed in his already cracked heart and it was slowly going to crack to the point of irr



Warren doesn't know that someone is watching him that day and made sure to be someone to use for him someday.

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