
Reincarnation or...2

"Master, are you here to wish me for my birthday?"

She was eleven when she met Zayn again.

Zayn patted the head of the little girl who looked too excited to meet him again.

"You can still spend one year with your family."

"Can I? That's good. My mom would be so lonely if I left."

Sia giggled as she was secretly wishing to stay with her mother longer.

" You know, one day I will be a great helaer. And these people are gonna admit it. They think I am useless because I am a human and they always compare me with Dona."

She looked at Zayn as she held his sleeve.

"But I am not Dona. I am me. Why they don't see me who I really am."

Zayn smiled softly.

"You are much more than Dona. You are a human. And no matter what, only humans have humanity.

You will save everyone from great destruction."

Time passed and he was always there with that little child who was being spoiled by her mother. Everyone would see her rude or arrogant or worthless but he could see her as confident and fight for herself.
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