
The One Who’s Better In Bed?

You know me, I love bringing great business proposals that benefit both parties.” Anna took slow, deliberate steps toward Caspian trying to sound confident. “This proposal, Mr. Riordan, will benefit us both, you especially, considering your passion for your company.”

“What are you scheming now, Anna?”

“Scheming? You downgrade me too much. You and I know I'm quite good at business proposals.”

“Whatever that is going on in this mind of yours,” he tapped on her forehead with the tip of his index finger. “Get rid of it. Your groom is waiting. I'm uninterested.”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you don’t grab it, someone else will. Marry me instead of Elle, and I'll make your company rise to the brim fully.”

A heavy silence followed after her words, her nails tapping together as she waited for his response. She cocked her head to the side, trying to read his expression but as always, he remained stoic and unreadable.

A deep chuckle finally rumbled in his chest, breaking the silence.

“I already broke up with Jason Lutra and ended the party. There's no more engagement.”


His laughter was low and short, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he looked her over from her perfectly styled hair down to her red heels.

“You’re more fun than I thought. Quite different from the rumors and what I know about you.”

“Wh…what do you know about me?”

One step at a time, he invaded her personal space, inching closer to her. She found herself retreating backward, their eyes glued.

With each step, he mocked her with his reply.

“Boring,” he uttered. “Naive.” Another step closer. “Dumb,” Caspian snickered, his final word echoing in her ears.

Three steps, three insults, her pride bruised, her heart racing.

Although it wasn’t her first time hearing someone call her dumb, boring, or naive, it still stings. Moreover, Caspian has his way around words that make them hurt ten times more. Boring, naive, and dumb, Anna thought. Those were her identity in her previous life, everyone knew her as those but not anymore. She was going to change everyone’s idea of her and implant something else they never imagined she would become.

“Well, Mr. Riordan, you’re wrong. You just don’t know me well enough.”

“I don’t?” His footsteps stopped.

“No, you don’t.” This was the longest conversation she had ever had with him. In the past, all they did was greet each other with him dropping snickers comments every time that ended up annoying her and ruining her day.

“My offer still stands but I don’t have all day. If you’re not accepting, I’ll look for someone else. Anyone would be ready to grab this deal.” She didn’t mean it. It has to be him.

Caspian pinched the path between his brows. She was a lot different from what he remembers of her. The dumb girl now had that confidence and fire in her eyes that he never saw before and for the record, she would be more fun to play with.

“So tell me, little, why should I choose you?”

Immediately, she replied,

“This is for your benefit too. In return, I will gather the information and plans of the Cooper Corporation and update you regularly. Your company will get to top the Coopers ten times more. Win-win, right?”

“Who would have thought you’d turn out to become a little vixen, hmm? But given the chance, don’t you think I’d rather choose the brilliant sister, the smarter one, the sexier one, and…” He dug his hand into his pocket and produced a silver sachet that he raised between them, dangling it before her eyes so she could see it clearly. “The one who’s better in bed?” He smirked.

Anna found herself unable to make out a word. Her throat grew dry and cold shivers ran down her spine as her gaze remained fixed on the silvery object in between his fingers. She knew what it was.

“Wh…what is this?” She managed to make out.

“The ball is in your court now.” Caspian leaned closer to her, his lips brushing her ear, his breath hot against her skin. “We might test this out now and who knows, I might find myself accepting your proposal. What do you say, Anna Cooper?”

Their eyes locked, engaging in a silent conversation. Goosebumps pricked her skin at his piercing look. His smile deepened, a sly smile plastered on his face. The amusement laced in his voice told her clearly that she had become his prey, her body dancing to the tone of his music. He must be enjoying what he was doing to her, that she could tell. He was amused.

Caspian knew within him that she was only pretending to be a vixen. He knew that she'd shy away from him and run like he was some sort of monster. She would immediately drop the Vixen facade and run for her life. He knew or that he thought.

“Caspian? Sister?” A loud questioning voice rang from the side followed by a loud gasp. Anna’s head turned to the side, her eyes meeting those of her sister, who’d just joined them at the side. Elle’s eyes darted from Anna to Caspian until they fell on the silver sachet between his thumb and forefinger. Her eyes widened.

She laughed awkwardly, masking the look of confusion in her eyes.

“Why are you two together? Caspian, you’re here for our wedding conversation, right? Mother has been waiting for you to arrive.”

Caspian ignored her presence, his eyes still fixated on the woman before him. His brows raised in question.

Noticing the tension between them, Elle swooped to Anna’s side, her hand closed around her arm as she stared at her with a small smile on her lips.

“Umm, sister. You suddenly left the engagement hall and came to Caspian? Jason is heartbroken. You shouldn’t have done that considering that he loves you so much. I feel so bad for him. Hmm….” She desperately looked at Anna. “This is awkward. Anna, can we move to the side and talk over there? I have something to discuss with you. Come on.”

She felt like a bowl of cold water was suddenly thrown at her as Anna stood firm, rooted to her spot, and slowly pulled her arm away from her grip, her gaze never leaving Caspian.

“What should I do? I’m pretty busy now.”

Before either of them could say anything more, loud questioning gasps reverberated throughout the hallway. Their heads whipped to the side, eyes widening as they caught sight of a few of the guests. They had their cameras up as they whispered to one another, trying to decipher the situation.

Sylvia pushed through the crowd, her heart racing as she approached her daughters.

“What is going on here?” Her gaze fell on the silver sachet dangling before Anna’s face, panic rising in her chest as she pieced together what was unfolding before her.

“Mother, Caspian is here to announce our wedding,” Elle replied, her eyes innocently staring at the floor. “But…but sister has been here with him.”

Sylvia gritted her teeth.

“Anna, what are you doing? Everyone is watching.” With an eye gesture, she ordered the security guards to confiscate the cameras. In a stern voice, she ordered. “Anna, get over here, now.”

“I don’t think I can, Mother.” With a bold gesture, Anna snatched the unopened condom from Caspian’s fingers and turned to her mother, dangling it before her face so she could see it clearly. “I’m sorry, we have to go upstairs and make use of this, immediately.”

As if sealing her fate, she met his surprised eyes.

“Shall we, Mr. Riordan?”


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