
The wedding between Steve and Ariana

The wedding between Steve and Ariana, was one of a kind.

The ceremony takes place in a beautiful garden, adorned with white flowers and green ivy. It was so colourful and spoke volumes of what the couple felt.

A gentle breeze rustles through the leaves and the soft chirping of birds adds to the serene atmosphere.

Friends and families are seated in elegant white chairs, eagerly awaiting the union of Ariana and Steve, whom they are yet to set eyes on.

Soft instrumental music plays in the background as guests are seated. humming to the music, The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and Joy.

The music, soon shifts to a romantic melody as the bridal party begins their walk down the aisle.

No one was available to take Ariana to the alter, she didn't have anyone, but she is stunned as Kiara was willing to wheel her down to the alter, and hand her over to Steve, who is looking handsome in his tailored suit, as he stands at the altar, his eyes fixated on the entrance. Waiting for Ariana
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