
116: Gossip Media


As soon as I arrived home, Carina noticed my change of mood and she immediately rushed over to ask me what was wrong.


"Tell me what happened. Did that old bitch mess with you?"

"She was a fucking bitch and I'm glad she decided not to work with me. Can you believe she asked me if I was pregnant? Like how the fuck does she even know? Aren't I hiding it enough? I feel so fat."

"You're not fat. You're pregnant."

"Exactly. Pregnant! Do you have any idea how many people would judge me for being pregnant while being a single mother of two toddlers?"

"Who cares? People who aren't in your shoes have no right to judge you. And if they do, then fuck them!"

I laughed, "Yes, fuck them. But the world would be a better place if those people didn't exist."

"Agreed. Come on, let's get you out of this dress. Your kids are playing with their nanny, they're safe."

Carina dragged me back upstairs and helped me out of my dress. "This is so comfortable." I told her, putting on a whi
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