
25: Meeting his Family


We were invited to dinner at Maggie’s house. It was a family dinner and I was finally going to meet the rest of Lorenzo’s family. I was nervous, and Maggie kept reassuring me that it would be alright. But, the thing was, I didn't know if they would be accepting of me.

What if they hated me? What if they didn't like me?

"They will love you, Avelina." She hadassured me while I was on a call with her. "Trust me. You are amazing. Anyone would love to have you."

I had scoffed. "No, Maggie. People hate me. They always have. What makes you think they won't hate me this time too?"

"Because you are the kindest, sweetest, and most amazing woman." I knew she was only trying to make me feel better. I couldn't imagine been hated by the entire Salvatore family.

A part of me was thankful that they didn't know my marriage to their brother was arranged, I would have faced worse treatment from them.

"Thank you, Maggie."

"You are welcome, hon. Now, get ready. You have less than an hour to
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