
Chapter 3


What the hell?! There’s no way that the hot brother who was funny at the club was this egotistical prick standing before me! What in the actual hell is happening?

“Sam?” his voice sounded just as surprised “can I ask what you’re doing here?”

 I was nothing less than pissed. Whom does he think he is asking me what I’m doing here?

“Liam? Care to explain what is going on?” Caleb’s eyes shot from me to Liam and I could feel the anger in him building as well.  

“Chill bro, this is Lily’s roommate. Obviously, you two have met in more than just the club. Care to get Lily and me up to date on what else you have in common?” Liam and Lily passed a very confused look back and forth.  

I was the first to speak up. “This is the dick boss that I was talking to Lily about. You know the egotistical one.” I laid my hand out face up in Caleb’s direction to add some dramatics to the statement.

Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and looked back at me. “dick boss huh?”

“Yes, you’ve been acting like I am your servant since the damn meeting room.” I crossed my arms back at him. His stare started to vibrate my insides again.  

Lily stepped between us and gave me her most ‘you’re in trouble with mom’ look. “Okay, can you two quit acting like children? I’ve been working the last two hours to make food and you both will come into this kitchen and eat.”

I threw my hands down and stared Caleb right in the eye. “fine but if he won’t play nice then I’m not going to either, this is my house after all. Not my job.”

I went to the kitchen table and sat down. Lily apologized for my attitude like she always did when she thought I was being unreasonable. In the back of my head, I sat scolding her for stooping to that level of sorry to an ass.

Lily and Liam grabbed the food from the stove and made their way to the table. Caleb just stood frozen in the hallway shooting me dirty looks. I don’t know what I thought I liked about him in the club but at this point, I’m going to blame the alcohol that night.  

After all the food made it to the table Caleb sat down and of course, it was right in front of me. Great now I must eat while looking at him. Stupid! This whole thing was stupid. Thankfully it was Friday and I wouldn’t have to deal with him for another two nights after tonight. The law firm we work at isn’t open on weekends, Thank god!

The meal was extremely quiet considering no one knew what to say. I had almost finished my plate when my phone rang. I picked it up as fast as I could not even checking who was calling.

“Hello?” I said into the receiver still looking at my plate.

“I see you survived the day” brads voice came through like a saving grace.

“I would’ve had work not followed me home” I snarked back shooting the meanest look I could muster over in Caleb’s direction.

“What do you mean followed you home?! Like the devil himself is in your house? Why? Who invited him?” Brad sounded more annoyed than I did.  

“How about I explain it over drinks? God knows I could use one at this very moment.” I prayed that brad would take me up on my offer and bail me out of this very weird situation I got myself into.

“I can’t, I have plans tonight. Take a rain check for tomorrow night?” Brad had a slight giggle behind his sentence, and I knew he was doing it just to annoy me further.

“Yes sir, I’ll call you tomorrow.” The edge to my voice must’ve said more than I did because brad hung up without even saying bye like normal.

I picked up my now empty plate and took it to the sink and rinsed it off, returning to the table I looked at Lily and she wouldn’t even return my glance. I could see her looking at Liam in the ‘what do I do way’. Whatever, I’ll go find something else to do.

“I’m going to go to Mitches’, I could use a drink. Anyone want to join me?” I said still looking at Lily.

Lily stood up and started cleaning the table. “I’m going to get supper cleaned up but why don’t you go.” She finally looked up and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ over to me. I shot her my best ‘it’s okay’ look and grabbed my keys.

Liam started grabbing food and plates and looked up at me, “sorry kid I think I’m going to hang out here for a little bit and help Lily get things cleaned up.”

Caleb stood up and fixed his shirt like it made much of a difference. “Thank you, Lily, for the amazing meal, I apologize for eating and running but I have some business to handle.”

I looked at my watch it was almost nine and I knew the bar would start filling up soon. Maybe I could find a different guy to keep my mind off this disaster of a night.  

Caleb and I headed for the door at the same time and I bumped into him in our small hallway.

“Sorry you go first,” I said as I turned to him to let him through.

“apologies? Who would’ve known?” He spat back at me as he stepped between me and the wall.

As he was passing by me, he stopped face-to-face for a moment and my heart stopped. He had brown eyes, but it seemed like his eyes almost had orange flakes in them. They were just as beautiful as the rest of him and he smelt like pine trees and vanilla.

I saw his mouth curl up the slightest smile and started shaming myself again. You do not find this attractive; you will not fall for this crap! The vibrations I usually felt under his stare started up again and I had to fight the urge to reach out and grab him.

I was the first to break eye contact and look at the floor. Quit being a typical woman! I shamed myself again. He continued past me and out the door. I looked back at where Lily and Liam stood to double-check that they didn’t see my moment of weakness. They were too busy kissing by the sink to notice. I turned to the door and continued to my car.

I saw Caleb’s twenty-twenty-two red chevy truck pull out of our driveway. Once I got into my car, I started it and checked my mirrors just to make sure no one was coming before pulling off the curb.  

In my rearview mirror, I could see the forest that separated my house from the firm, standing just on the outside of the forest was a figure I couldn’t make out. Part of it looked like a dog and part looked as big as a bear. I couldn’t see it very well, but I could make out that it had a dog-looking face with ears perked up and it looked right at me.

I don’t know what it is but whatever it was, started heading right for the back of my car.

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