

Samantha dove under the water when she felt Drake run in after her. When she came up for air, the biker was almost right in front of her. A startled gasp left her mouth when he leaned down to pick her up.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist." was his command. Doing as he asked, she waited to see what he would do. He waded out until the water was over her head.

"Why did you bring us way out here, Drake? I can swim, you know? Very well, in fact." Was her smart reply.

"I wanted you where I could just hold you, and I didn't think you would let me pick you up and set you in my lap." Drake watched her eyes dilate, knowing it was desire. He watched a flush move up her upper chest and onto her chest. She had tried to duck her face into his shoulder, to hide the effect of his words.

"No Samantha. Look at me." Commanding her with his deep voice, she felt a tingling and a rush of moisture between her thighs. She loved a domineering man. Someone who could take control and make her feel treasured as he looked out for her. Mack had been that way, somewhat. But no where near as much as this man who held her so intimately.

Watching him as he leaned down, she knew he was going to kiss her. It was soft at first, just a brush of his lips against hers. When she gasped at the electric shock of his touch, he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth and did a tango with hers. He made love to her mouth. There was no other way to describe it. 

Drake thought he was going to lose his mind. While he was busy kissing her, she was rubbing against the ridge that had developed in his swim trunks. He didn't think she was even aware of what she was doing. He reached up and untied her bathing suit top and allowed it to fall. He replaced the top with one of his hands. Her nipple pebbled from the air. He knew it would make it extra sensitive. Taking advantage of the fact, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over it, causing her to release a throaty moan and him to harden, painfully so.

He decided not to waste anymore time. He turned and began to walk toward the shore, still carrying her. Breaking the kiss, Samantha lay her head on his shoulder and asked, "Where are we going?"

Drake swallowed hard. How would she react? "I'm taking you to bed. I can't remember a time when I've wanted a woman more."

She surprised him when she didn't speak, but instead, she nodded her head, and moaned, grinding up against him again.

It was all he could do to get to them there. He stopped several times to rut up against her and palm her breast while holding her against a wall. Several times. Once they had reached his bedroom, he striped her of her wet bathing suit and then his. Picking her up, he gently tossed her onto his bed. Following her down, he wedged himself between her thighs and rubbed up against her, causing her to buck up against him and moan again.

Morning light shone in Samantha's eyes. Squinting, her covered her head and grunted, trying to escape the bright morning light. That's when she realized that this was not her bed, and there was someone with her. That's when she remembered that night before.

Drake, food, dessert, wine, rich coffee, then swimming. Well, not really. She blushed when she realized how she had acted the night before. Completely out of character for her. Gasping, she attempted to sit up. Drake had an arm draped over her hips, and when she moved, his arm became a hand on one of her breasts. As she lay there she remembered the many times that Drake had made love to her, her face flaming. Even once he had held her against the floor to ceiling windows as he had made love to her. 

What happened to the fact that men lost their stamina after a certain age? She knew that in the books the guy could always go all night. She never thought she would meet a man who could. Mack was a one and done kind of guy. Drake had acted like a starving man with a buffet laid before him. Now, she was a bit sore in more than one place. Trying to ease out of bed was not going to be easy.

She was about to attempt to get up again. This time, Drake nuzzled her neck. When she moved her lower body, she was suddenly aware of how tender and uncomfortable her body was. Groaning, she gingerly moved to the edge of the bed. 

Drake, hearing Samantha, sat up. "What's wrong, Sam? Are you ok?"

"I'm ok. It's been a while, and you were especially eager to show me affection last night.' She replied, with a grin

Drake smirked at her words. She had been a willing participant in their love making last night. She had been quite vocal in what she had wanted. She had matched him all night, passion for passion."Do you have to be anywhere? A job, a child, a lunch date, anything?"

"No. When Mack died, he left me disgustingly wealthy. How he paid for all of that insurance was beyond me, but he did. He always said he wanted to leave me well off. Well, he did. So, until I figure out what I want to do, I sort of drift."

"Spend the day with me, Sam. No sex, baby, I promise. You need to heal. Just spend the day with me. I'll call Vulcan, He and Bill can watch the club."

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