

She saw him leaving her life and she felt helpless to do anything about it.

All that glittered truly wasn't gold. She had seen the sparks and flashes and let them draw her nearer, only for her to know it was glass and not gold, only after a piece was brutally stuck in her chest.

Her heart hurt with the worst kind of pain, a kind of pain she could not explain, and she put her hand to her chest and fell to her knees as though she had submitted herself to the pain.

He had left her when all she had ever done was love him.

She should have known that it was all just a contract and stuck with it, but her stupid heart had gone on and fallen in love and let herself be taken by him when all they had been together for was his baby.

A wind blew and a few petals of the flowers he had gotten her came in front of her. She picked one up and stared at it blankly, wondering if she was dreaming. If she was, more than anything she wanted to wake up and be told it was just a dream and she was fine and tha
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