
Meeting the music producer


I woke early and saw that Axel had never come home last night. I hoped that everything was okay at the clubhouse, but no news was usually good news.

Since I was alone, I took the time to write some music. Axel had brought his guitar back inside after the funeral and it sat in the closet. I retrieved it and retired to my childhood bedroom, now the guest room, and sat on my old bed with a notepad and pen as I tuned the guitar by ear.

I hadn't heard a single word from the music producer yet, and each day that passed made me believe more and more that I wasn't good enough.

That wasn't going to stop me from still doing what I loved to do, though.

A few notes in as I hummed along with the tune, I was interrupted when my phone rang. My heart dropped thinking that it was news from Axel or Careen, but when I saw the unfamiliar number on the screen, my thoughts went elsewhere.


"Is this Melissa Dunkens?"

It was a man's voice that I didn't recognize so I was hesitant to re
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