
Chapter 55

I don't know what happened to the grand opening. The moment I regain my consciousness, a white-haired middle-age man greet my very eyes and don't ever gives me a chance to ponder the grand room that is mix with white and blue. He said, the smile slowly rose up in his lips, “Princess, how are you feeling?”

My heart freeze to beat and I gasped to find the words struck me very soul.

He sigh to my reaction. “Even I thought you are assassin, but good thing the young prince hurrily explain the situation! So, apologize the lacking of the palace, hm?” His voice sounds dreamy, yet he's cunning to even see through. I even notice how busy he's searching through the deepest of my being, while continued the gibberish while his hearty laughter rung my ears. “Who have ever thought you are his bethroted when you are coming from the sea of commoners?”

“What the hell my ears just came contact with right now?” My dagger of eyes pierce through this someone who only smile upon the sight of my waking up.
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