
Meeting Zane Orion

I have to remind myself that he is my professor who is currently very pissed off at me, judging by how dark his hazel eyes have gotten, narrowed at me.

"What do you think?" He says, leaning further down but somehow managing to keep our bodies an air apart. My body tingles with senseless anticipation.

"Uhh..." Fuck, I can't say that anymore. It is what started all these in the first place. I bite down on my lower lip. His eyes burn down on the spot I bite and my body ignites with delicious lust because of the unmistakable heat in those dark brown depths of his eyes.

"Very fucking brave. Interrupting my class and then mouthing off at me like that in front of the class. Quite the nerve." Zane's voice is like liquid fire running down my spine. It doesn't help that he is not moving away. We are standing too close. Is this okay?

"Well, you made the whole class laugh at me. I am probably going to be the girl Professor Orion snapped at on the first day of college forever." My cheeks burn at the not so distant memory of the class laughing at me when he cut me off. Gosh, he is such an asshole.

A hot asshole though but that is beside the point. I don't feel like telling him his impact on my career choice anymore. Not with this his huge ego. I am barely containing my insane attraction to the man at the moment.

"So, you are saying that we are even?" He says, leaning closer. I keep my chin rigid and unmoving, fear and anticipation climbing down my spine as I try to remain unmoving. To resist the insane urge to lean in to him.

"Well. If you think so, Sir." I say, breaking the unspoken impasse between us as I step back, and turn around. I couldn't stand it anymore. His scent is all in my head and it makes my thoughts foggy with unexplored lust.

I do not make it past a few steps before I am pulled back by the waist against a hard chest, I gasp audibly as Professor Orion's mouth comes to rest against my ear.

His arm is wound tight across my stomach, right under my breasts and snakes over my waist, instinctively I try to get out of his grip but he holds me tightly, and common sense leaves me as I have no choice but to lean into him, painfully aware of how hard his chest is, the solid lines of muscles stacked beneath his shirt, my ass grazes his hips and I close my eyes in shock at the building hardness I feel there.

"Don't turn your back to me when I am talking to you." Zane says into my ear and heat rises up my neck at his minty breath so close. My chest is heaving, there is suddenly no air in the lecture hall. I look at the closed door in horror. What if someone walks in?

"Let me go." I say weakly. All the fight has left me. We can't be this pressed close and I am able to think clearly. In this snatched moment of unbridled madness, I realise that there must be a reason why he is so mysterious. The man is insane.

"I will let go when you apologise." He says, his hot minty breath caressing my neck and I take in a shuddering inhale. The low deep quality of his baritone travels down to my now throbbing clit. I pull my thighs together, my face is hot and I can't breath. I am mad and scared and aroused all at the same time. What the fuck is happening?

"I have nothing to apologise for, Sir." I breath, biting down on my lip. This can't be right. And yet I feel my knees going weaker.

"Hm." Zane says behind me and my eyes go wide as his other hand starts trailing up my body slowly, heating up my skin underneath the jeans.

His hand slips between my thigh, pushing them apart as he rides higher up. I gasp audibly when his hand reaches my upper thigh, and then climbs even higher to my hip bone, exerting enough pressure that it feels like I am naked beneath his touch.

I shut my eyes and try to gain control of my screaming thoughts, it is Impossible with Zane Orion's hand in between my thigh, dangerously poised over my crotch area.

He wouldn't. He wouldn't. I arch back into him as he does just what I think he wouldn't do, pressing his palm hard against my crotch, I feel my clit jump at the contact.

"Okay, fuck. Fuck. I am sorry.I am sorry. Stop." I cry out.

Hating how easily my body gives in. This is crazy.

He lets me go, slipping his arm from under my breasts slowly, grazing against the underside of my full breasts in what feels like intimate hesitation. I go breathless.

I quickly step away from him.

Breathing hard. I turn around to look him in the face. Wrong move. His eyes are dark, eroticism pouring out of his handsome face. That hard chin line.

Those hazel eyes with their multidimensional colours. Fuck. This is why he is so private. He is an insane romantic who is fully aware of his effect on women. Shit, probably even men too. He is that hot.

"I will report you." I say, breathing hard. I clench my thighs closer to quell the fire spreading in my core, he looks down at me and smirks.

"You won't." He says dismissively.

"I will." I say, still stepping farther away from his dashing smirk. My face is hot. My neck is flaming hot where his lips whispered into my skin. My core is rumbling. What has this man done to me?

"See you on Wednesday, Alex. And don't be late." He says, and he turns away from me as I reach the door, his cool and collected mask over his face once again.

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