
Zane Meets Alex

Zane Orion 's POV::

Alex is seated right in front of me today again. She came early, too. And she has make-up on. It highlights her green eyes in a way that makes it terribly hard for me to look away from her for longer than ten minutes.

Since Monday, I have tortured myself relentlessly about my lapse in judgment with the way I coaxed the apology out of her. Crushing her against me like that wasn't something I even planned. I acted without thinking, and that was new and scary for me. I never act without thinking. In all aspects of my life. I know I seemed cocky sure that day, but in reality, I was scrambling for some sanity.

I still feel the velvet softness of her skin against mine from two days ago. She smelled like a blend of lavender and coconut. It was intoxicating, holding her against me like that for those few seconds.

Everything seemed possible. I was reckless for once in my life, and it felt exhilarating. I felt light. I have done a lot of dangerous reckless things in all thirty-four years of my life, but snapping past my control and messing with my student tops the list. My heart still thunders every time I remember how close I came to actually doing something regrettable.

"Okay. Are there any questions for me?" I say to the class, wrapping up the short lecture I prepared. I manage to keep my eyes off a stunning Alex. I can't really read the expression on her face. She seems unshaken, that same defiance behind her soft features that pulled me to her on Monday.

She is wearing a dress today, a knee-length pale blue summer dress hugging her every curve. I imagine how easy it would be to actually feel her soft skin underneath that dress and my heart thunders in my ears.

Fuck. What is wrong with me?

I checked her file, and she is nineteen. Barely legal. Though there is a maturity behind her stubborn gaze that makes me feel like she sees my soul bared here on the podium. But I can't. I have to nip whatever this is in the bud. I already went too far holding her like that on Monday.

I genuinely don't know what came over me at that moment. I can say I acted out of anger at her rudeness, but that won't be true. I was aroused. My cock was warmed up with her firm ass grazing against it as she tried to get out of my hold. I was this close to kissing her long elegant neck when she finally leaned into me in defeat.

"No? Okay, Alex?" I call to her. She has been ignoring my eyes all throughout the class and I hate it more than I hate my lack of self control when it comes to her. Her auburn hair is pulled up in a ponytail and I can't seem to stop imagining what it would be like to nip the sensitive skin beneath her ears in a hot passionate kiss If I lost my mind totally and went for it. Our short stint on Monday showed that she would allow me. Hell, she might even reciprocate the gesture.

"No. Nothing." She says, I can't deny the sharp edge to her voice, she holds my eyes for a second and then looks away.

"Alright. I will pick my class assistant now. This responsibility is an important one that is not to be taken lightly. I am sure that is something we are all clear on anyways." I look into the sea of anticipating faces, pausing for dramatic effects. I watch Alex through my periphery and she doesn't seem excited by any means. Her face is set in an unimpressive neutral look. It grates on my nerves.

"Alex Johnson. Meet me in my office after class so we can draft out your responsibilities as the new class assistant for your year." I say, looking straight into the class of disappointed faces and murmurings, knowing she is currently glaring at me.

"Sorry, Sir, I will have to deflect that role." Alex's voice reaches me. Someone hasn't learned her lesson about talking back at me. I grind my teeth, swallowing my ego and trying not to flare up in front of the class.

"And why is that?" I ask, turning to look at her. She holds my gaze. That defiance. Why the fuck do I find it so hot? I want to kiss those shiny lips and make her moan against my mouth. I want to do dark dirty things to that mouth. If she knew the fantasies she evokes in me, she would stop contradicting me so much.

"I am sorry, but it sounds like a lot of responsibilities and I am barely finding my feet as a freshman. I want to humbly ask that you pick someone else more suited for this, Sir." Her face is the picture of innocence but I can tell she is pushing me. Again. I hear it in the way she enunciates the 'Sir.' The way her eyelids flutter up at me.

"Well, no can do, Miss Johnson. I want you." Her eyes widen and she looks around the quiet class, fuck, I didn't phrase that well, I clear my throat, "I mean, I want you to be my assistant. I think you would manage just fine." I say.

"Alright, Sir. Thank you." She says, looking down. I think I see a ghost of a smile on her lips before I turn away, feeling my chest expand with that familiar aggravating mix of anger and arousal she evokes in me.

"And with that, the class is dismissed. Turn in your assignments to Alex before Friday, guys." I say as the class busies itself with emptying out. Alex is still seated, a girl walks up to her desk and they get into a conversation as I step out.

I will see to that smart mouth of hers when she comes to my office.

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