
chapter 53

Author's POV

Sanjiv was half laid on the couch while his remaining body was on the floor, spreading both arms and legs on either side.

the room was shadowy as the lights were off because he didn't give much attention to the growing murk of sunset. to be honest he didn't care whether it's bright or dark or whether it's day or night because his purpose of life - his koushy, wasn't there to cherish those passing seconds.

he half layed there on the couch being dejected, that gloominess on his face was evident for how vulnerable he is without her. staring at the white ceiling for so long he situated on the same place like a lifeless body.

His face was vacant, no one could predict what was going inside his mind, not even himself. it was like, his thoughts kept jumping from one thing to another like a monkey. concentrating on any one thing was hard for him to get a final result.

Even the air in the atmosphere
Aarti Shankar

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