
Truth be told

Isabella P.O.V.

To say I am enjoying the power I have right now is an understatement. Thalia has worked against me from the very day Elijah brought me back to his pack. Our pack. She has schemed, lied and done the ultimate crime - used dark magic for own gain. Moreover, she actually also lied to said dark witch to get her way. I can’t even begin to comprehend why she would do all of this!? I know Elijah and Dale are having a really hard time with this, and that is exactly why I’m taking over. This needs to be done, but rather she keeps her hatred focused on me, instead of on her sons. None of them need to have that burden on their shoulders.

We also need to call their dad, but that is a task for later.

“Werewolves have not had a King and Queen for centuries. You’re lying.” Tahlia crosses her arms, staring me straight in the eyes with so much hatred and contempt, I’m actually afraid I’ll burst into flames.

“We were cr

Hey guys. I'm sorry for disappearing on you, but I have been on vacation in Orlando, Florida. It's been an exciting week, with lots of good memories. However! I am back, and more than ready to continue the journey of Elijah and Isabela.

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Don’t be sorry, everyone needs some time to themselves. Glad you’re back though. I’ve missed the book. Can’t wait for more.
goodnovel comment avatar
C Dags r
Why is she so snotty to her grandmother? Having an actual deity watch out for you seems like a good thing.

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