


“ Who was your first kiss?”

Sarah's question plays on a loop in my mind, just like a new song you can't stop listening to.

Why would she ask such a thing, and in front of Aiden, no less? What is she trying to do? Is she on to something, or has she figured out what is going on between me and her best friend?

Just the thought of Sarah finding out makes my heart skip a beat. No, that can't be the case. If she had figured it out, she would not be sitting here, playing games with Aiden and perched on his lap.

" Olivia!” Sarah yells my name, making me jolt of my thoughts.

" What are you thinking about? Didn't you hear me asking you a question?” She asks.

My eyelashes blink rapidly.

" I told you about that the other day," I utter, not meeting her gaze.

I raise my head to steal a glance at Aiden. As if on a cue, he looks up at me too, and we lock eyes. His deep brown eyes pierce into me.

"Don't worry," I say in my mind. "I didn't tell my sister about us."

I can tell that is what
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