

"So that's everything." She said after hours of walking around. I'd met about fifty people and I couldn't remember a single name. We'd met a patrol doing their daily assessment of the territory borders which I now know was over two thousand acres. It was mid day and I hadn't seen Clayton since he left and I wanted to see him. We were now inside walking the halls.

"Great, thank you for the tour." I said softly and Lexi nodded. She let my arm go and I shook the sleep from it.

"Oops sorry." She said and I waved her off.

"No its fine." I chuckled and put my hands in my pockets. I gave her a smile.

"So... I'll show you to your room?" Lexi said and I nodded. She smiled and we made our way to the staircase.

"Your room is the same as my brother's." Lexi stated as she paused at one of the few doors in this hallway.

"Actually it's not." A voice said and I turned to see Clayton making his way down the hall.

"What are you talking about?" Lexi asked sounding confused.

"Her room will be the one beside mine." He growled and Lexi seemed to lose her temper. The smile faded from her lips and she scowled.

"Clayton it's wrong not to sleep with your mate! And to put her in a separate room? I can't believe you! You are fortunate enough to find your mate and from what I see you don't even care! The saddest part is she does! All day she's been looking around! And for what? You! Maybe I should just take her back home-where she was appreciated." Lexi snarled and her eyes shown with blazing gold.

"Quiet Lexi." Clayton said in a bored tone and pushed past us and into his room. My heart churned and I whimpered.

"It's okay Luna Katlyn..." Lexi said and rubbed my back.

"No it's not... Why does he hate me?" I said shaking my head and covering my mouth so a sob didn't escape. A growl was heard from inside Clayton's room followed by the sound of something breaking.

"He doesn't... Come on let's go. Wanna have a sleepover in my room Luna Katlyn?" Lexi said and I nodded.

"Yes, but please call me Katlyn or Katy or Kate. Luna Katlyn sounds so weird." I said and she grinned, beginning to lead me away.

"Wait my clothes." I said slipping into my room. It was I nice little room. My duffle bag laid on a queen sized bed and I grabbed some pajamas and underwear out of it plus my toothbrush and deodorant. I came back out and Lexi whisked me to her room.

"Just make yourself comfortable." Lexi said as she shut the door. I settled on her soft bed. A flat screen was mounted on the wall. I sighed and laid back and lounged with Lexi.

It was late and Lexi had ordered pizza. There were now three empty boxes scattered on the floor. We'd pretty much hung out in her room for the rest of the day.

"Let's watch a movie." Lexi said and I agreed. She smiled, getting on N*****x.

"Ooh Deadpool!" I yelled and Lexi giggled and clapped her hands.

"Yes Ryan Reynolds is so hot!" Lexi said and I nodded my head.

Not as hot as Clayton... I ignored the thought.

"Yes he is." I chuckled.

"But he's ugly as Deadpool." Lexi said and I shook my head.

"I still find him somewhat attractive. He's not that bad looking." I said and Lexi smiled softly.

"I hope you can look past my brother's ugly personality then..." Lexi sighed and started the movie.

By the end we were laughing and and Lexi cried a little bit. I held onto my stomach and leaned back on her bed.

A hard knock sounded on the door and I jumped. In a flash it barged open.

"Lexi have you seen..." Clayton trailed off as he looked at me. He was looking worried but then he frowned.

"What's she doing in here?" Clayton growled. Lexi stood and scoffed at her brother.

"She's sleeping over with me." Lexi said coolly and Clayton frowned even more. He set his glare on me and I fidgeted under his intense gaze.

"She should be in her room." He growled and Lexi growled.

"She's fine with me. It's my job to protect the Luna after all. She is practically my sister now." My ears burned at Lexi's words and I focused my gaze on her. She stood tall before her brother and met his gaze though I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"She should be in her room." Clayton repeated in a loud authoritative voice and Lexi flinched. At this point I'm inwardly freaking out.

"She doesn't feel comfortable sleeping so close to you but not with you, now get out." Lexi said baring her fangs at Clayton who's eyes shown red.

"I'm sleeping here Clayton. Okay? Just please go to bed." I said trying to sound soothing and it actually worked. Clayton sighed and the red in his eyes faded to its normal glow.

"But you have your own room." He sighed and I shrugged.

"It'll get used one of these days but not now. Now please go." I said softly as I stared at the pizza boxes on the floor. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Katlyn I-" my mate started.

Anger surged through me, "I said go!" I spat and Clayton huffed and left the room with a slam of the door.

"Damn Kate you actually got him to leave... That's new, but good." Lexi sighed and sat on the bed. I shook my head and felt another wave of sadness.

"Why do I feel like someone stepped on my heart?" I sighed and my voice cracked.

"Oh honey it's the mate bond. It's your body craving your mate. You want to be close to him... Just be glad you're not a werewolf or it'd be worse." Lexi said with a sympathetic look. I smiled softly.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked Lexi. A shadowed look came to her eyes. She met my eyes and I saw tears in hers.

"I had one... His name was Hunter..." She sighed and looked away as she wiped her eyes.

"What happened to him?" I asked her softly and she met my eyes again and gave a bitter smile.

"Clayton killed him." She said softly.

Clayton. Clayton. Clayton.

What is Katlyn going to do with him?

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