

"Oh, that's my cousin Mike. Aye Mike quit all that damn noise!" Dalton yelled and I giggled. Oh Michael, I'd met him a few times and he was the real jokester. He was great though.

"Who ya talking to?" Mike's voice said and Dalton chuckled.

"It's Katlyn." Dalton said and Mike whooped.

"Hey Katy baby!" Mike yelled and I laughed. By now I was in my room. I sat on the bed and listened to the cousins bickering.

"So how's everything with Mr Wolf?" Mike asked and I froze.

"How do you know- Dalton!" I said and my friend immediately started yelling at Mike. I waited until they were done to speak again.

"Dalton you weren't supposed to tell." I scolded and my friend sighed.

"Sorry Kate but he wouldn't shut up about it so I told him." Dalton explained. I nodded slowly then realized he couldn't see me.

"It's okay." I said softly.

"Hey I got the address from your parents and is it okay if we come tomorrow? Oh yeah and can I bring Mike- he's gonna follow either way." Dalton said and I smiled.

"Yeah sure. I can't wait. I'll meet you there... At twelve?" I said and the boys agreed and whooped in excitement. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"We'll be there." They said almost in unison and I giggled. I ended the call.

With a huff I laid back in my bed and sighed. I couldn't believe what had happened today. I almost couldn't fathom the things my mate had said to me. If only he'd listened.

I felt sadness pricking me and I pushed it away. No more crying today.

I got on my phone and went to my music and scrolled through my playlist until I landed on a particular song. I smiled and took out my portable speaker and connected it to my phone. I set the speaker on a desk beside the bed and pressed play on my phone and turned it up. The music was loud and I quickly paused it and leaped from the bed and locked my door. Satisfied I turned back to the bed and plopped down pressing play and letting Good Charlotte's 'I Don't Wanna Be In Love' fill my room.

I tapped my foot to the song and soon enough I was singing along. It was an older song but I still loved it when it came on.

"Stop what you're doin'. You don't wanna ruin, the chance that you got to find a new one." I smiled at that part and laid back in my bed.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

I should be updating again tomorrow.

I have a surprise for the next chapter!

Yay I updated once again! Sorry for the delay guys!

I was starving! I hadn't eaten all day and I could feel my stomach plotting and groaning about how it was going to eat my other organs if I didn't get any food in my system. Okay... Maybe that was a little overdramatized but I was hungry.

I paused my music and walked out of my room heading for the kitchen. My feet made almost no noise as I walked down the halls and entered the kitchen. My heart pounded as I entered because of the mass of werewolves in the dining room beside it. All eyes were on me as I crept past and entered the kitchen.

I quickly grabbed some honey buns out of the pantry and headed back to my room. I ignored the stares as I walked up the stairs and made my way to my room. I opened a honey bun and ate it quickly and finished the other two I had. I walked in my room and shut the door behind me. I threw the wrappers in the trash in the corner of the room and sat on my bed turning my music back on. I hummed along to the rhythm but I'd turned it low. I looked out the window at the darkening sky and after a bit I heard a door shut. It was Clayton in his room.

My heart instantly sped up and I looked at the wall in between us. I needed to tell him.

I got off my bed and crept out of my room. I stopped in front of his door and brought a shaking hand up to knock. There was a pause after my knocking then Clayton's voice said gruffly, "Who is it?" I swallowed.

"We have to talk." I said in my most steady voice and Clayton growled.

"Come in." My mate growled and I slipped inside and shut the door. I knew he'd probably start an argument before I could explain and I was prepared for it. I didn't care what he said, right now I needed his closeness.

"What do you want?" He growled before I could say anything. He sat in a chair beside his bed looking at some papers and marking something down.

"I need to tell you what happened." I said softly and cleared my tightening throat. Clayton huffed and set the papers down. He looked up at me with irritated eyes.

"Please I don't wanna hear how you pleasured yourself with some guy." Clayton growled and waved me off like I was some pesky fly.

"Just let me-" I began but he stood and glared at me. His brow scrunched in anger and his fists clenched.

"I don't want to hear it!" He snarled and I flinched but attempted again.

"But I-" before I could finish Clayton was in front of me and pinning me against the wall. The damn wall.

"I don't want to hear it." Clayton snarled in my face.

"You need to hear it!" I yelled and he shook his head and locked his eyes on mine.

"You need to get out." He growled pulling me towards the door. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"I was raped you fucking son of a bitch!" I screamed and Clayton froze. His annoyed glare turned into a confused look.

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