

"You're right." He said and started grabbing his toothbrush and stuff and hurried out of the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I chuckled softly.

After I was done with my business I slipped out of the bathroom to be automatically encased in my mate's strong warm arms. I growled in delight as he gently backed me up against the wall and smirked at me.

I chuckled and stuck my tongue at him and raised my eyebrows when his eyes darkened with lust. He growled softly and pressed his face into my neck and gave me chaste kisses. I moaned as he kissed my jaw and collarbone and back up my neck to my cheeks. My breathing became ragged as did his and he pressed me harder against the wall and smashed his lips upon mine. My hands flew to his head and I gripped his hair and pulled causing him to moan and open his mouth. I smiled and slipped my tongue in his mouth and he growled softly when mine touched his. In moments our tongues were battling for dominance and our hands were teasing each other in almost every way possible. Finally we pulled away and our lips were damp and eyes sparking. I looked at him and giggled causing him to laugh softly. All that just because I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I love you baby." Clayton sighed and I smiled.

"I love you too." I breathed and he pulled me toward the bed.

ELI POV (new)

I slid out of my bed and sighed as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on my wall. I was pathetic. A disgrace. I was ugly... So unappealing beside the others in my pack. Yeah pack you'll get the idea of you don't already.

My name is Eli by the way- no I'm not a guy. My parents just wanted to name me that. My parents are gone now though... They died a while back-years ago. You could say it went well after they died, that my pack took care of me, but that'd be a horrible lie. I was treated like dirt because apparently I had something to do with it. But how could I? I wasn't there! It wasn't my fault that they were doing something for me! I miss them so much...

It all happened about six years ago. It was about to be my twelfth birthday and my parents were very excited. They'd told me it was going to be an extra special birthday. But they were keeping the details a secret. So they went off to the mall or wherever they were going to get me something and I stayed at the pack house. I still remember where I was when I received the news. I was in my room when suddenly the alpha himself burst in through the door and growled, "Your parents are dead, I hope you're happy." Then he just left me as I cried. After that everyone was so horrible to me. They even called me a murderer. I still don't know who thought it was a good idea to blame me but I guess I've got to deal with it, right? Well, enough of that.

My dark brown hair was always dry and messy- not the cute messy- the kind that makes you think a spider or two might pop out. My dull yellow eyes matched perfectly with my pasty white skin. My front tooth had a chip in it and if you looked you'd notice that my body had an array of scars. No I don't self harm I was born with them. It's quiet strange. But it's also another thing for kids to pick on me about. I was horrible but my parents had loved me like I was the most wonderful thing in the world... To make matters worse I should've shifted about a month ago.

I was eighteen and I still hadn't shifted it was quite embarrassing. Wolves can shift at any time... but late bloomers, like myself, should at least shift on or around their eighteenth birthday. I let out a breath and made my way to the bathroom.

When I exited my hair was combed to its less craziness and my body was washed not that it was anything to show off. I had all the curves in all the wrong places.

I slipped on some sweatpants and a black t shirt and made my way out of my room and down the pack house halls. Finally I reached the living room. I saw some members sitting on the couch. One was Mark and the other was Alex-both of them part of numerous bullies. As I walked by they snickered and instead of sniffing like I usually would've it took me by surprise when I growled. They blinked in shock as did I and I hurried away toward the kitchen.

"Seems as if your pathetic ass might actually shift." A voice followed me and I paused as another growled.

"Shut up Mark." I listened to Nathaniel's distinctive voice. His dripped with authority, he was after all going to take the alpha title in a few days.

"What, you're defending her ole ugly mug?" Mark said and I closed my eyes for a brief second. I looked back and saw the future alpha leaned in the doorway. Nathan was one of those boys that any girl would die to have him pursuing her. He was tall and built and his red brown eyes were dazzling. His tanned skin was flawless. I tried to ignore the fact that we both had on gray sweatpants and black shirts. We're matching... Weird. Nathan's cold voice ripped me from my thoughts.

"No. Why would I defend that? I'm just tired of your damn voice." Nathan said and for some reason it struck a nerve and I whimpered before turning and entering the kitchen. Did I forget to mention Nathan was a ruthless bully and a dick to me too? He actually busted my lip a couple weeks back when I stepped on his shoe, it was totally accidental-not the punch-me stepping on his shoe.

Don't worry Eli, all will come in good time. A soft growl said in my head and I almost squealed.

Are you my wolf? I asked back and a growling laugh echoed in my head.

Yes. I'm Elika... Eli don't let anyone's petty words bring you down. We are strong. My wolf said and I smiled and nodded. A burst of confidence hit me and I grabbed a banana and headed out of the kitchen twirling it around in my hands.

I caught a glimpse of Nathan with his back to me and a rush went through me and I gasped softly. Nathan's head whipped around to me and I saw his body stiffen and his eyes darkened. All the others had left so it was just the two of us.

"You've got to be kidding me. You're my mate? Out of all people, you?" Nathan said in disgust and my wolf snarled in indignation.

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