

"Don't talk to her like that!" Eli snapped and pushed Nathan. I was taken by surprise and so was Nathaniel because he almost fell. Clayton let out a soft snicker.

"Don't order me around Eli." Nathan snarled and stood up straight. His eyes gleamed with his wolf.

"Aww that's cute... You think you scare me." Eli said in a rich voice and laughed.

"You forget that I'm the Alpha." Nathan growled.

"And you forget I'm the Luna! You forget what you did to me! You forget that every day for years the shit you put me through! Fuck you!" Eli screamed and lunged at her mate. Nathaniel tried to move out of the way but the sound of ripping clothes was heard and a white she wolf barreled into the alpha. I'm glad the party was outside.

"Dammit Eli." Nathan snarled and in seconds he was in the form of a ebony wolf. With a snarl he kicked Eli off and she landed gracefully on her feet a few yards away. The alpha jumped to his paws and snarled at his mate his haunches raised. Eli stalked forward and bared her fangs.

"Shit, Clay what do we do?" I asked softly and he shrugged and frowned in thought.

"We've got to stop them." I said and Clayton nodded and muttered, "Great wedding day right?" Then he chuckled bitterly.

The two wolves leapt at each other and were soon a whirlwind of ebony and white fur as they scuffled and fought. At times they pinned the other down but it would always end in someone getting bit or kicked off.

"I know what to do... Clayton help me get this dress off I don't want to ruin it." I growled softly and Clayton sighed and helped me out of it. I noticed he was shooting glares at anyone watching me and I giggled softly.

"I'll be right back." I sighed and let my shift happen.

Storm? Let's do this. I said to her as I stated out of my wolf eyes.

Okay Kate. Came her reply and we strode towards the quarreling mates. I snarled and forced myself in between.

Stop this now! I ordered them but they only went around me and got at each other. I snarled at their stupidity and gripped Nathan's tail in my jaws and pulled him back. He yelped and whirled around to snap at me but I jumped back out of range and clocked Eli on the head as she tried to lunge again.

I said stop now! I howled and gripped Eli's scruff and tossed her aside. I did the same with Nathaniel and stood in between the two that were now many ways apart from each other. They took steps toward each other and I snarled and bared my fangs as my head swung back and forth as I glared at the two.

Nathan suddenly rushed forward and I blocked his way and met him head on. I grappled with him and bit down on his neck. He whined and shook me off and I scratched his back. I heard a snarl and glanced over to see people holding Clayton back as he tried to intervene. I felt a rush go through me and I pinned Nathan under me. I stared into the eyes of his wolf and snarled.

Kade back down now! I growled and he bared his fangs. I gaped my jaws wide and lowered them to his throat.

I could kill you right now. I said truly and slowly started to close my jaws. Nathan snarled and kicked me with his hind legs and the air briefly rushed out of me. Then something clicked.

Power surged through me and I threw my head back and let out a long howl that made everything fall silent. Tree branches rustled and leaves swirled around. Suddenly dark clouds started to form and lighting danced in the cloud. Then like war tanks the cloud sent down its electric ammunition and it set the grass around Nathan, Eli, and myself ablaze. The red orange flames circled us in a cage but I had no fear. The walls of fire rose high trapping us. I watched the flames and with my howl thunder roared. I lowered my head as my howl stopped and Nathan looked up at me with wide eyes. I snarled at him and gaped my jaws.

Wait, don't! Eli yelped and came running over. I let her push me off of him and I smirked inwardly as she buried her head in his fur. Nathaniel looked shocked but he relaxed as Eli searched over him for wounds. The worry radiating off her body was almost enough to taste it.

Nothing can bring two together like the threat of death. Our power works well. Storm said and I nodded. Our little plan seemed to be working.

Eli... I love you. I'm sorry. Nathan whined and sat up. I sat down and assessed myself for wounds but found none.

Eli was silent and Nathaniel was stiff as she leaned against him.

Babe are you okay? What's happening?! There's fire! Katlyn? My mates voice said and I focused on our link.

Yes, it's okay, I'm fine. I replied.

I turned my attention back to the two mates and growled at Eli. I could see it was killing Nathaniel that she hadn't answered him. She glanced at me and the denial in her eyes died.

I love you too. She finally said and Nathan leapt at her and covered her face in licks. I chuckled inwardly as I watched the two acted like pups playing. I walked toward the fire wall and it died around me and let me pass through. I raised my head and stared at the cloud and howled again and it began to rain and the fire was put out. The cloud dispersed and faded away.

I sighed and padded back to the party area. Everyone was watching. I heard whispering about the pure whites and held my head high as I stopped beside Clayton. He smiled down at me and led me back toward the house. Once inside we went up to our room and I sat on the bed and shifted back into my human form. I wrapped the covers around me and sighed.

"So... That happened." Clayton said as he started going through the clothes in the closet.

"Yeah." I sighed and smiled.

"You were amazing. It was actually pretty hot that you did that." Clayton chuckled and tossed me some clothes.

"So when are we going to the honeymoon spot?" I asked softly. Clayton glanced at me as I slipped on my clothes and swallowed. I chuckled.

"Right after the party's over." He said softly and I saw his eyes darkening. I smirked and stood up.

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