

"Mama? Daddy?" Is all I could say as I fought the urge to cheer. They'd come to see me! I giggled. My father and mother looked at each other and my mother managed to put on a bright-now I know fake- smile.

"Sweetie come here." My mother cooed opening her arms.

Yay! My mommy loves me! I'd almost tackled her as I ran into her embrace. She grunted as I hugged her tight and after a bit I felt another set of arms wrap around us both. Daddy. I grinned from ear to ear.

I was so... Just being so damn naive I should've- I should've known...

"Come on darling... We have someone we'd like you to meet." My mother whispered to me and my father pulled away suddenly. When I looked at him he had his back to me and my mother.

"Kale, honey, come on we've talked about this." My mother said. I looked up at her. What did they talk about?

My father huffed and turned back to us a blank expression on his face. He grabbed my shoulder and we walked all the way to the front door. It was oddly quiet inside but commotion was definitely going on outside. My parents grips tightened a good amount and we went out.

The commotion died instantly as we stepped down the stairs. There was a lot of people here. I mean a lot of people. Like, what is going on?

I looked up at my parents but they remained silent. We started for a group of males and I could tell they were of high rankings. Perhaps alphas. When we made it over to them my parents stopped causing me to as well in front of them.

"Ah is this the lovely little pup?" A scary looking man said grinning at me. I shuddered at his look.

"She's been shifting for how long?" Another man said.

"Since she was four..." My mom said in a gritted voice. The men nodded slowly. One suddenly stepped forward.

"Hey, can we see your wolf?" He asked with a grin. I looked up at him. He was tall with dark hair but he was obviously the youngest of the group. His jawline was perfect and his muscles were hiding poorly behind his shirt. He was a great specimen. He looked into my eyes and I felt a weird feeling I'd never felt before. It felt good.

"Okay... Mamma? Daddy? Is it okay?" I asked my parents. They released me from their grasp and nodded. I grinned softly and felt the shift taking over.

I sighed as my bones cracked and I bit my tongue to stop it from lolling out. Soon I was my white wolf even then as a young one I was still larger than your average wolf. Larger than some of the males.

"Oh Goddess..." Someone gasped.

'Show them your teeth Alex.' Lark, my wolf, told me and I did. My jaws gaped open and I growled snapping at them making sure they could see my long sharp fangs. It felt good to do this... It felt right.

"Omega! Stop that." Alpha Rowen's voice boomed and others around me ducked their head in submission but I didn't. I was tired of being treated like dirt. I lifted my head to the sky and let out my first real howl.

'You are to be the next Moon Goddess.' A voice- not Lark's- said softly in my head. I tried to respond but the voice was gone. I finished my howl and lowered my head. Moon Goddess? What's a moon goddess? I'd heard people say something about it before. But I was the omega and was excluded from most meetings and get-togethers.

I looked over at my parents and wagged my tail. My tail abruptly stopped when I saw their horrible expressions. I shifted back into my human form and they still had the same expressions. I was handed a big shirt and I slipped it on so that it covered my bare form.

A hard hand suddenly clenched on my shoulder and I tried to pull from the stranger. I shot a glance at my parents but they watched with stone faces. I reached for them but the man pulled me back.

"Mamma! Daddy!" I cried trying to force my way to them and they didn't budge.

"Stop fighting Alex just go with them! It's the best outcome if only you would just leave!" My father suddenly exploded and I froze. I looked to my mother and she frowned at me and looked away. My lips started to quiver.

"M-mommy... Daddy... I- wh-" I started feeling tears spring to my eyes.

"Go we don't want you here." My mother growled turning her back to me and my father did the same.

"We will not parent a freak omega." I heard my father snarl and I watched heartbroken as they walked back into the crowd and disappeared from my sight. My heart had been ripped out.

I sank to the ground and Lark howled 'Our parent abandoned us! They are not worthy of our tears! Stop crying show them you are strong!' I nodded and wiped away my tears standing up and holding my head high. The strange man walked over to me and pulled me up.

"Come on little one." He said with an evil grin. His cold rough hand clamped around my arm.

"What are you going to do with her?" The young alpha said. He looked at me with a weird look. I looked away from his eyes.

"What do you think boy? We all need a little release every once in a while." The man who had a hold on me growled.

"You can't possibly mean-" the bay started. I looked at him wondering what in the world they meant.

"Yes. Now get out of my way boy." The man started to drag me along and I tried to pull away but his grip was like iron. He stopped by a car that seemed to be waiting for him. He slipped on some gloves and motioned to someone in the car. I saw the door roll down and something was handed to the man. And then that something was clamped around my wrists and I automatically felt it burn. Silver handcuffs.

"Now hold up. What about the other guys?" Another man said coming up eying me closely. I swallowed. I knew something awful was happening and going to happen.

"Alpha Drawjen this isn't right!" A yell rang up as I was shoved into the car. People started yelling and chaos broke out as my door slammed shut. And after Alpha Drawjen got in the driver sped off. Leaving the only place I'd ever known behind.

I jolt out of the flashback and sigh. My head pounded at the memories. I was too young to be exposed to those things but it happened. That man had been horrible and when I didn't satisfy him he dumped me at the nearest pack house and told the alpha to have at me. After that it was practically always the same story: I'd go somewhere else, not satisfy them, not give myself up to them, I'd get beat, then I'd run, or get dumped somewhere else.

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