

"What all did he say?" My mate asked in a deep rumble and my mom spoke up again.

"You should've heard him. He was saying you're dangerous and he'll have the military take care of it. A whole lot of 'merica hoorah' bullshit. He's not going to hurt my baby." My mom said glaring at the ceiling and giving me a soft determined look.

"Has anyone contacted you?" Clayton asked and Dad nodded letting out a string of curses.

"Yeah that bastard of a president actually called. Asking if we knew of anything; of course I just hung up the phone. And now here we are." My father sighed and sat down next to my mom. I watched as she leaned into him and they hugged each other. I looked at them with fond eyes and gave a small shake of my head.

"Who would've thought all this would happen?" I sighed.

"It's okay baby. I won't let anyone hurt you." Clayton whispered and kissed my forehead. I turned to him and grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down so his lips met mine. After a few moments we broke apart and he let out a possessive growl as his office phone began ringing. He gave me a reluctant look then let me go and went to answer it.

"Alpha Clayton who's calling?" My mate said and his brow scrunched up as the person in the line said something.

"Yes it's true. What? No it was for a reason...." My mate clenched his jaw and glared at his desk.

"Yes come if you must. My mate and I were going to explain some things anyway... And Alpha Xavier?... You can bring your pack along if you'd like. This is for everyone to hear. The more the better..." After a few moments Clayton hung up the phone and sighed. I walked over and slid my hands along his back and smirked as he shivered.

"You okay?" I said softly and he nodded and turned to me with a smile. Suddenly he looked at my parents.

"If you don't mind leaving for a little bit, Katlyn and I have some things to discuss." My mate said and my parents nodded and stood. Though my father looked less enthusiastic to leave and he eyed Clayton suspiciously.

"We'll be out in a while." Clayton said as he showed my parents the door and shut them out as they made their way down the hall. With a flick of his hand he locked the door and turned to me with a devilish smirk.

In a flash he was in front of me and hoisting me up by my thighs. I gasped as my back met the cool surface of the wall and Clayton gave a soft growl.

"Katlyn what if I lose you?" He said suddenly and I blinked. That wasn't what I was expecting. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled closer.

"You won't." I said softly, "We're immortal remember?" I sighed and Clayton frowned.

"That doesn't mean anything. I've heard of immortals dying. What if you-" I didn't let him finish before I crashed my lips on his. He instantly responded and deepened the kiss.

"Katlyn I'm serious." He managed to get out as he pulled away a little. He looked at my with sad eyes and I frowned and cupped his cheek.

"So am I." My voice was stern as I looked into his eyes. He growled softly and looked at the ground.

"But if-" Clayton began and I pushed him away from me. He stumbled back and looked at me with confused eyes. I rolled mine and frowned at him.

"If you're going to talk like this then just keep it to yourself. I won't hear it." I said and started toward the door.

"Katy wait." Clayton said grabbing my arm. I looked away from him and stared at the door. Sudden sadness washed over me and my lip quivered.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry." He said coming to stand behind me. I whirled around to face him.

"You don't think I worry about you too? I'm scared too Clayton." I said and I frowned as tears ran down my cheeks. I don't know why I was crying but it just happened and I couldn't stop it.

"Katy don't cry..." Clayton groaned and wrapped me in an embrace.

Before I could comprehend what was happening I was laying on the couch and Clayton hovered over me. His hands rubbed my back and finally they settled on my hips. I tried my best to ignore the tingles running through me but finally I let out a moan.

"You're too pretty to cry." Clayton growled and pressed his lips to mine in a heated kiss. A gasp escaped me as he ripped off his shirt and pulled mine off as well. His lips broke from mine for a second but after he got rid of the shirt he was back to kissing me and I wasn't complaining. My fingers hooked on the hem of his pants and he didn't waste any time in taking them off as well. As he tossed his pants away I slipped out of mine and moaned as his hands brushed against the soft fabric of my underwear.

"Clayton." I moaned and my mate tugged off my panties and unclasped my bra and tossed it wherever. I laid under him and he let out a growl as my hands ran down his bare chest.

"Dammit Katlyn." He grabbed my hand as I looked up at him innocently. He brought it back to his chest and pulled off his boxers. I glanced down and smirked.

"I love you." I moaned as Clayton caressed my chin and kissed me softly. He chuckled and deepened the kiss.

"I love you too. So fucking much." He growled and I smiled as he leaned closer....

After we were done we slipped on our clothes and laid on the couch. Clayton kissed my neck softly and I smiled.

"You'll be the death of me." Clayton groaned as he kissed my lips. Part of me wanted to tell him not to talk like that.

"Hush." Was all I said before kissing him back. He sighed and we were lost in each other's kiss before a knocking made us pull apart.

"Yes?" I said grinning at Clayton's annoyed look.

"We have visitors Luna, Alpha." A voice said and I nodded and stood. Clayton followed me out and we made our way to the living room.

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