

"You're still caught on that mongrel?" He said sounding exasperated.

"That mongrel is my mate and father of my child." I hissed and the man growled.

"Oh yes, I'd almost forgotten... Do you know what a male lion does when it conquers a pride?" He asked and smiled letting go of my hand.

"No." I sighed scowling at him.

A glint formed in his eyes. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I was once again comforted.

"He gets rid of all the original male's offspring so the females will realize who's in charge." The man said nonchalantly and left the room before his words kicked in.

He was after my baby.

Drew's P. O. V.

I gulped as Clayton rushed through the rooms. Claw marks ran along part of the wall. His eyes glowed red. Everyone had retreated outside and I mean everyone.

An angry alpha is not one to be around... but one who can't locate his mate? Even worse.

"Where is she?! Katlyn!" He howled. A note lay crumpled in my hand.

Who will protect mommy and baby? It read.

It'd been hours. No one knew where Katlyn had disappeared to and after I found the note I was hesitant to show my friend. If Clayton saw it he'd lose it. He'd been so good lately, because of Kate.

My voice caught for a second as I said, "Clayton I found something." He was instantly by my side.

I handed him the message and he looked it over then snarled. His eyes lost the last flicker of gold and were now solid red. I looked away from him.

The Blood Wolf was back.

"Convel please calm down." I pleaded with him. My friend's other side had taken over. His demonic side that I thought and prayed would never surface again.

"How did they get in here?" He snarled and I flinched.

"I don't know alpha." I said looking at my feet. He gave a deep roaring growl and I backed away from him.

"I have to find her." He snarled and started toward the door. I panicked.

"No. Clayton- Convel you cannot leave here now." I said and he whirled on me.

"You dare order me? Do you forget I am alpha?" He snarled and I shook my head.

"Boy calm down." A deep voice said and I glanced over to see Alpha Xavier standing in front of the door. Convel snarled.

"Who are you calling boy?" He spat at Xavier. The older alpha scoffed.

"I'm twenty-four you on the other hand are eighteen. To me you are a boy so sit down somewhere and actually think before you go out there." Xavier said softly but with power. My alpha snarled and started shaking.

"Sorry Clay." A voice said and I glanced to see Lexi holding a gun. She aimed it at her brother and squeezed the trigger.

Convel- Clayton stumbled from the hit and grasped at his chest before pulling the dart out of his skin but he was too late. My friend snarled and stumbles around the room trying to shake off the drowsiness. It was in vain though and he slumped to the ground out cold.

Xavier sighed and said, "That's a relief, for a moment there I thought you actually shot him with a bullet." He stepped forward and picked up my unconscious friend.

"Put him in the cellars. We can't have him going crazy again." Lexi sighed and watched with sad eyes as Xavier carried her brother away.

"We need to find Kate." She said and I nodded.

"I think I can help." Harper said slipping inside.

I nodded to her and she sighed and grasped the letter. Her eyes changed colors and she closed them and I could see them moving under her eyelids.

"A vampire is responsible for this. He's taken her but I can't see where. The connection is poor. He's blocking me somehow..." She sighed opening her eyes.

"Well we can't just stand here." Dalton's voice made me look over to find him leaning against the wall. A determined look flickering in his eyes. He walked over and I smiled softly as he took my hand in his.

"I thought Clayton was going to attack you for a second." He whispered and his eyes showed concern. I sighed and rubbed my thumb along his hand enjoying the warmth.

"That's not Clayton well not right now... it's Convel." I sighed and my mate's looked confused and I smiled aren't his adorable frown. I leaned closer and kissed his lips softly. I pulled away and he looked shocked. It was the first time I'd kissed his lips and I smirked at the lust in his eyes.

"We'll finish this later." I whispered and he smirked. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach. Dalton nodded curtly.

We couldn't focus on our wants and needs right now, we needed to find Katlyn.

I will update again soon! I hope you all are enjoying!

How do you feel about the psycho vampire?

What about Clayton- Or should I say Convel?


Katlyn's P. O. V.

My fists lay clenched at my side. I was pissed and wanted out of this room. It was like a cell. No windows just one door that was constantly locked. I'd tried to use my powers but the vampire informed me, after many failed tries, that the walls, flooring and ceiling were all lined with wolfsbane and silver under the boarding so I was without my powers for now. I was just a strong human.

My stomach had gotten a bit bigger. The messed up thing is that I had no idea how long I'd been here.

My wolf was silent.

I'd attempted to attack my captor a few times but it was in vain. I wanted out of here. They fed me, let me go to a bathroom and shower, even offered me clothes, and he would inform me of little things but I wanted out. I could tell that annoyed him though and it made me wary.

"Hello Katlyn." I looked over at the door to see him slipping inside. He wore casual clothing. A loose gray shirt and dark pants.

"What is it?" I hissed and growled at him. He smiled and held something up. I stared at it and squinted my eyes.

It was a paper. He handed it to me and I took it away from him.

"The Blood Wolf is back." He said as I looked over the article. My heart dropped as it talked of a big black wolf attacking a small town. Luckily no one was killed; just things destroyed.

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