

"He didn't kill anyone." I said in relief. The man nodded slowly.

"Yes but he frightened many. Remember fear is the best weapon and your worst enemy." The man cooed and I wrinkled my nose. He smirked and kissed my nose before I pulled away. He smiled at my frown and brushed some hair away from my face... well attempted to before I grabbed his wrist. I stared at him. He had high cheekbones, a perfect jawline, nicely shaped eyes, pouty pink lips... I had to admit he was quite attractive but this was getting old.

"Don't touch me." I growled. He sighed and his other hand grabbed my waist and he pulled me against him. I gasped at the sparks and he chuckled.

"Remember darling, what I can make you feel. Taunting me won't do you any good. It just makes me want to ravish you on this floor. I'd be somewhat gentle." He said slipping his hands down my body, picked me up by my thighs and had my legs flinging around his waist.

He groaned as our bodies collided and huffed, "Maybe ravishing you isn't such a bad idea. But I'll get your consent, so what do you say?" He asked and before I could answer he smashed his horrifyingly drugging lips against mine and quickly deepened the kiss. He pulled away after some time and I involuntarily whined in disappointment at the absence of his lips.

"Yes it is then." He chuckled and kissed me again. I moaned and his hands palmed my buttocks as he pressed me against him. I could feel the bulge in his pants and he groaned and ground himself against me.

I wanted badly to object but I couldn't.

The man smiled at me as he pulled away for a moment. His lips were damp as he tugged off his shirt revealing a shockingly drool-worthy body. In milliseconds his lips were trailing down my neck and I groaned and played with his hair. He growled in approval and nipped at my skin.

"My name's Dominic." He groaned into my skin before sucking right next to my mark. I moaned and curled my toes at the feeling. He chuckled and suddenly pain blossomed in my neck and shoulder.

His fangs burrowed into my flesh digging into my previous mark as well as untouched fresh skin. Pain turned into an awful pleasure and he pulled his fangs out of me and lapped up my blood.

"Delicious." He sighed and kissed my inflamed skin.

"Mine mine mine the lovely wolf is mine." He said on a sing-song voice and kissed his claim on me. I moaned at the thrills taking over my body.

Dominic laughed and moved his kisses upwards until his lips captured mine once more. If I was in control earlier I definitely wasn't now. My body arched against his presenting itself to him. He growled and gripped my waist.

"You make me forget myself Katlyn." Dominic groaned and kissed me harder.

"Dominic." I moaned as he laid me under him. His eyes turned blood red.

"Say it again." He growled and his eyes laid transfixed on me. His hands gripped me tightly.

"Dominic." I repeated softly and he ripped off my shirt. He took in my bra and groaned.

"You are glorious." He smirked and swooped down. His soft lips pressed against my collarbone in a rough, thrillingly animalistic manner. His mouth attacked around my bra and my nails dug into his muscular back. His lips smiled against my skin as I scratched him softly.

"Don't be afraid to scratch me love. A little blood never hurts." Dominic said kissing between my breasts. He sucked softly and my nails dragged along his skin. I then dug my nails in him and slashed along his back earning a grunt of approval from him.

With fast, skilled fingers Dominic pulled off my bra and tossed it aside. He growled and didn't waste any time before sucking and kissing my right breast while his hand palmed and massaged the other.

My breaths came out in pants as he toyed with me and soon Dominic was removing his trousers......

Dalton's P. O. V.

Everyone sat outside, gathered together around a large bonfire. The sky had transformed into it's darker self. The moon was a white scratch against the star dotted black indigo.

People conversed quietly. Laughs flowed in the air. Kids from all packs alike ran around playing a game called "Deers and Wolves." It was a nice scene, almost making me forget the turmoil we were all facing.

Clayton- well Convel had returned earlier. It been weeks since Kate's kidnapping and everyone was pretty tense. We were no closer to finding her now as we were the first day.

It was like she'd truly vanished. I missed her... I missed my best friend.

Convel'd escaped the cellars, nobody knows how, and attacked a town. He had no blood on him when he returned so that was a good sign. He'd been out twice, each time coming back unscathed.

He now was pacing back and forth by the house. His muscles tense, his hands constantly tugging at his shirt or his hair, face switching from a scowl to neutral repeatedly, his ears pointed, his cold eyes glowing red. His fangs and claws seemed to be permanently out. He looked like hell. He looked like a demon.

As I watched he suddenly lurched forward before falling.

"Uhh Convel just went down." I said loudly. Everyone paused.

Convel scraped the ground with his clawed fingers and a loud whine escaped him. He was in pain.

Lexi didn't waste any time before making her way toward him.

"Lex wait." Michael said standing and grabbing her arm. She turned on him swiftly and growled.

"He's still my brother Mike." She said and pulled away from him. She rushed toward Convel and crouched beside him. I got up and walked over cautiously. Michael followed.

The alpha cursed and groaned as he writhed on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Lexi asked softly.

Convel huffed and whined then snarled, "He... marked... her..." His hands dug into the earth and then his claws buried themselves in his hair no doubt piercing his scalp. He growled and I flinched as blood ran from his hair and trickled down his face as he added viciously, "He's... touching her..." Lexi growled softly and Convel squeezed his eyes shut.

His hands suddenly jerked and more blood flowed from his dampening hair down his face. It ran over his eyes, his nose, his mouth. It crept into his ears. But he just sat there groaning not bothered by the crimson staining him.

"Something's wrong." Convel whined. He took in labored breaths. He opened his eyes and I could see gold swimming in the red.

"I miss her so much. I need her back." He said in a broken voice and for a moment I thought Clayton was back, but then the gold vanished and I was looking into deep red eyes once again.

"We'll find her." Drew said coming to stand beside me. He looked at Convel with pained eyes.

"When?" Convel snarled rage evident in his question.

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