

"Clayton!" I wailed and screamed his name over and over as tears poured out of my eyes. This couldn't be happening. I can't loose him too.

"No..." I sobbed and hugged his lifeless body.

I pulled away as a hand laid on my shoulder. I looked over to see Eli and Alex. They knelt beside me and hugged me as I cried for my mate. I looked over and saw Lexi sobbing against Michael and Dalton and Drew watched with sad eyes.

"It'll be-" Alex began but I pushed them away.

"Don't you dare say it'll be okay! Don't you dare! It's not okay! Clayton's dead!" I screamed and glared at the human army.

"Leave dammit! This war is over! If you don't leave now I sweat by everything holy I'll kill you!" I snarled and the army faltered. Some held sympathetic looks and some nodded but others frowned.

"Now hold on a second. You don't tell us what to do you-" General Hawkins started and I snarled and shifted. In the blink of an eye I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. His screams fell on deaf ears as I ripped him limb from limb and scattered his pieces around.

His blood and brains stained my white fur as I finished by crushing his skull in my jaws then spatting out his remains. I looked back at the army and snarled.

One guy vomited. I didn't blame him for it.

I shifted back and wiped the blood from my mouth.

"Leave now!" I ordered and the army didn't hesitate in retreating. As soon as they were gone my façade broke.

"Clayton!" I screamed and crouched beside him again. I held him close to me and sobbed.

"Clayton... My Clayton..." I whimpered and kissed his forehead. I took in a shaky breath and closed his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whispered as I laid my head on his bloody chest.

Others whined and cried around me as they found that there loved ones were gone as well, lost in battle. Everyone began to crowd around assessing the wounded and casting me glances.

No one really knew what to do... We'd won but... this felt like only a loss.

I'll update again soon!

Share this baby, vote, comment, try it.

I feel like a horrible person for writing that...

I've updated once again���

I got so emotional writing this. There's more to come so read onward!


I couldn't stop crying. I wanted to but I couldn't.

"I can help Katlyn." Alex said stepping forward and her face held calmness and sadness.

I looked away from her as an involuntary growl tumbled from me. I was so angry... My Clayton was gone.

I bared my fangs as I looked at the ground and felt heat run through me before something seemed to bust and fire consumed me. I should've been scared or shocked but I wasn't... it didn't even hurt me. The fire died down some and just settled on my hands and feet. I looked at my hands in growing confusion and moved my fingers, watching the fire flicker from the movement.

"The Fire element is strongest in you. A true blazer, a storm of fire." Alex said softly and I glanced over at her.

Storm of fire.

Fire storm.

Hey, I like that name. Firestorm. Storm said suddenly and I blinked.

Convel... she whimpered and I felt tears pool in my eyes. My sudden interest in the flames died and so did they. I let my hands fall to my sides.

"So much death." Alex sighed. She looked around and took a deep breath and when she opened her eyes they were glowing white.

"Bring the wounded and dead here." Alex said and slowly the bodies were brought over. She looked around and mumbled something and her eyes glowed even more until they resembled the full moon.

I watched her as her hair suddenly paled and turned white and seemed to sparkle. She smiled softly. Light seemed to radiate off her and she made her way toward the bodies laying on the ground. One of the wolves I recognized immediately and the soldier, who I know now by the name of Anna, crying softly made my wonderment true; it was Percy.

Alex moved on graceful feet. An awed silence encased all and we stared at her, frozen. She suddenly shifted and her wolf glowed subtlety and her fur seemed to be glittered with minuscule stars. She tilted up her snout and howled.

The howl sounded more like a musical. It flowed with a lovely rhythm and I watched in wonderment as a light fell from the heavens. As I looked I realized it was a white she wolf. The Moon Goddess. Alex stopped her howl.

She ran on the air as if it were solid ground coming down from the sky. She leapt down and landed softly before Alex. The goddess towered over Alex's wolf who stared up at her. Goddess's pelt glowed as she gave Alex a wolf grin.

"My successor... You will do grand things my child." Goddess said and dipped her snout to touch Alex's forehead.

"All hail the Moon Goddess." The goddess said before touching her snout to Alex. Alex's eyes blazed white and the goddess vanished leaving Alex who glowed more.

Her eyes looked at all of us and she sighed.

"Rise my children." Alex said and light rushed from her body and everyone shielded their eyes from the blinding shine. The light faded and Alex's grin was wide on her face as she walked over to Alpha Xavier and literately tackled him in a kiss.

Gasps rang out and I looked around to see the dead moving and healing. Cries of joy rang out and my heart leapt as Clayton groaned and opened his eyes looking tired and confused.

He looked at me and smiled lazily as he sat up. I was frozen as he felt his healed chest and sighed, "Thought I was a goner."

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