

I let out a chocking sound and flung myself on him.

"It's okay." Clayton cooed and kissed my forehead.

"You died." I shuddered as I said it.

"I know." He sighed and pulled me closer.

"They left." I chocked out.

"I was right beside you the whole time. I know." Clayton said and ran his fingers through my hair. I sighed and laid my head against his chest.

"You couldn't see or hear me but I was there." Clay said and rubbed his hands down my back.

I sobbed softly and clutched his shoulders as I cried joyfully into his chest.

"I thought I lost you." I pulled away from him and searched around for my heroine's white hair. My eyes momentarily rested on Percy and Anna and I smiled as I watched the soldier hugging her mate while Percy chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Alex! Thank you!" I yelled and everyone else joined in on the praise. The Moon Goddess smiled brightly and dipped her head.

"'Twas an honor." She said in a humble sweet voice and I smiled before kissing Clayton softly on the lips. I pulled away and he growled.

"I die, come back to life, and all I get is that?" He said with a slight smirk in his frown. I raised an eyebrow at him. He shot me a teasing grin.

I chuckled and smashed my lips against his. I felt his lips smile against mine as I deepened the kiss and soon we were locked in a very fiery make out.

"Everyone get dressed. Tonight we will celebrate our victory!" Alex cried out and everyone made their way toward the pack house.


I smiled softly as I looked around at the jovial crowd of people. The music played harmoniously as people danced and chatted.

Clayton sat beside me on the porch and threw an arm over my shoulders before kissing my neck softly. I smiled and leaned closer to him as I tried to only focus on him but something felt off.

Clayton seemed to notice my wandering mind and pulled away to look at me.

"Something wrong?" He said softly and I gazed into his golden red eyes. I shrugged.

"I don't think so. I just feel strange." I sighed and he chuckled and kissed my lips softly.

"Well you did smash a guy's skull in your mouth today." Clay said his eyes twinkling. I rolled my eyes and grinned as I nudged him.

We sat on the porch in silence after that just watching everyone.

"Katlyn." A voice said and some people paused as a woman came walking toward me and I jumped to my feet as I realized who it was.

"Emillia..." I gasped and Emillia rushed at me and wrapped me in a hug.

"I knew wolves would win. Congratulations." She said as she pulled away. I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly. She grinned before turning around.

"Dom! Come on you slowpoke!" She yelled and out came Dominic looking proud and strong carrying-

-a baby.

My heart pounded and I felt tears pool in my eyes.

"Kaden!" I screamed and Emillia chuckled as I rocketed past her and stopped in front of Dominic. Dom smiled warmly revealing his fangs and handed him to me. My body shook with joy and I flung myself at Dominic and hugged him as I held Kaden. Tears ran down my face and the vampire growled reassuringly.

"Thank you Dominic." I breathed and he hugged me back.

"No need to thank me my love." Dominic said softly and I hugged him tighter.

I smiled as I pulled away and looked at my precious Kaden. He was beautiful but I noticed a mark on his arm. I stared at it in confusion realizing it was a bite mark.

"I had to... A vampire can't harm another's claim, Droen couldn't harm him... I'm leader now." Dominic said softly and I nodded in understanding.

"Thank you." I sighed again and Dominic chuckled softly.

"For you: anything." He sighed and backed away dipping his head in respect as Clayton came over.

My mate glanced over him and gazed at Kaden. A smile came to his face and tears welled in his eyes.

"Hey Kaden... I'm your dad." Clayton said in a raspy voice and brushed his hair softly. I smiled as Kaden cooed and reached out to him and I handed him to his father who cleared his throat and held him close. I cried with happiness.

Should I give Dominic another mate? I'm feeling bad for him.

For clarifications the mark on Kaden was not a mate mark or a turning mark. It was a claim that showed that Kaden was Dominic's thus Droen could not hurt him.

Also please tell me of any mishaps and mistakes.

Love you guys!������




The song for this chapter is "Sorry About Your Parents" by Icon For Hire. It was stuck in my head the majority of the time I wrote this part.

Read onward!

I smiled as I listened to Dominic talk through the phone. Me, Clayton and Kaden were in our room. It'd been a good month since peace was restored and everything was going well.

"She's amazing." He sighed sounding like a lovesick puppy and I giggled.

"That's great Dom! So did you do the deed?" I asked and Clayton coughed in shock. Dominic chuckled softly.

"Yes. Iza is my mated mate now." Dominic said and excitement and affection laced his words. He'd found another mate the day after he arrived with Kaden and Emillia.

Iza was a human that had helped us during the war. She was a pretty young woman with dark brown curly hair and brown pecan skin. Her ebony eyes almost appeared black at times and her teeth were amazingly white. Of course she was a vampire now though. She was a fierce soldier and a badass vampire I might add.

"Tell her I said hi." I told Dom and he yelled it out.

I heard a voice in the background and soon a new voice spoke.

"Hey Katlyn." Iza said and I grinned.

"How does it feel? Being mated and all?" I asked with a smirk. Clayton groaned from where he sat.

Iza sighed, "Fantastic." She said dreamily and I chuckled.

"Well I have to go." I said and we said our goodbyes. I slipped my phone in my pocket.

I sat on the couch next to Clayton. My eyes watched him as he held Kaden as our baby slept holding onto his father's shirt with tiny fists. Clayton was struggling to put him down for a nap probably afraid he'd wake up.

"Katy... help." Clay said softly and I chuckled and helped him unhinge Kaden's hands from the fabric. My mate sighed and got up to put him on our bed. I smiled as he came back to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I love you." Clayton whispered and nipped my ear affectionately. I giggled softly and leaned away from him as he began getting a little too frisky. I glanced over at Kaden asleep on our bed.

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