

"Kaden's right there." I said and Clayton smirked.

"He's asleep; besides he won't remember if he wakes up and... wait I've got a better idea." Clay growls softly and in moments there's a soft knock at our door.

"Come in." Clay said and the door opened to reveal Lexi. Her eyes gleamed with amusement and she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" She asked and Clayton pointed to the bed.

"You feel like watching Kade tonight? Katy is afraid we'll scar him." I smacked him softly at his words and he smirked.

"Kinky." He growled softly and I hit him harder earning a grunt of pain.

"You're gonna regret that Mrs. Ravenwolf." Clayton said in a husky voice that made my toes curl.

"Gross guys. At least let me get out of the room. Kaden's not the only one being scarred." Lexi said making a face. I scoffed.

"Says the girl who was trying to mate in the living room." I shot back and Lexi's face blushed and she immediately shut her mouth in embarrassment. Clayton snickered softly.

I'd walked in on Mike and Lexi, thank Heavens they were mostly clothed, a few weeks ago. They were so engrossed in each other they didn't acknowledge me until I was yelling at them to get a room. Aka my baby could've seen that.

"Well... Mike's gonna be happy to have him over... so see ya." Lexi said leaving quickly with Kaden obviously not able to think of any thing to say back to my comment.

Clayton burst into fits of laughter as soon as the door shut. I couldn't help but laugh along.

"Now for your punishment." He said suddenly and lifted me off the couch before tossing me onto the bed...


"You leave my family and my pack out of this!" I snarled.

"You're such a child! We're your family too!"

"You don't act like it!" I howled.

"You're coming with us whether you like it or not!" My father spat at me and I growled darkly.

I went out shopping. No big deal right? Wrong. I ran into my parents; hell knows why.

"I don't want to hurt y'all, but you're not in charge of me. And I will protect my pack and myself from any Hunter that comes in hostility. Now leave. Please." I said in a restraining voice. My fists clenched. Like an idiot I'd left the house without anyone, thinking I was safe.

My mother frowned looking hurt whereas my father glared at me with a look of pure distaste. I met his scowl with one of my own.

It hurt inside that I was treating them this way but they were threatening my pack. I had to be strong.

I stomped outside of the building ignoring wondering glances from a passerby as I tried to put as much distance as I could between us. It didn't help they followed my like stink on shit.

I growled as we made it out of sight and I whirled around on my parents. They stood a few feet away staring at me.

"Katy don't make us have to use force." My mother said and I bared my fangs. She frowned at the gesture and sucked on her teeth before shaking her head.


I looked at my father in shock then stared at the gun he was putting back into the holster around his waist. My mouth opened and closed in inaudible gasps. The pain was incomprehensible as I looked down at the blood oozing down my chest. I clutched at the wound and a low whine escaped me.

"Richard!" My mom yelled but I could barely hear her.

I looked at my dad as my vision blurred and I blinked it away, "You... shot... me." I gasped.

"Calm down. Oh don't be so dramatic Carly..." My father said in a nonchalant voice and it faded off before my hearing returned. I heard my mother sigh.

"Okay." She said in a calmer voice.

Okay what? What? This is not okay.

Everything blurred once more and started getting dark.

"Get the car." My father said and I heard the shuffling of footsteps.

I opened my eyes and looked around at a dimly lit room. It looked like a prison cell or something. I blinked in confusion for a few moments but then I remembered.

I tried to sit up but realized I was restrained. I tussled against the padlocks trapping my hands and feet to the metallic slab I laid on.

I looked around and frowned when I saw my parents standing by the table thing I was on.

"What the fuck? Where am I?" I said trying to get up again.

"Hold her down Rich." My mother snapped and I growled lowly.

"Let me go." I snarled as my father placed his hands on my shoulders to hold me at bay.

"We're going to get that demon out of you. You'll feel much better I promise and it'll help you. A Hunter can't be a wolf." My father said and I thrashed around but he held me fast.

"Don't touch Firestorm! She's me and I'm her; you can't take her!" I yelled in slight panic as my mother let in a woman.

The newcomer looked ancient and had glowing purple eyes. Her hair was gray and long down past her shoulders. Her skin was a dark chestnut.

"The hell...?" I said looking at the woman's illuminated eyes and she glanced slowly over me.

"I'm Manik the sorceress. My ethnicity is Native American and African American. I've been around for centuries and I must say this is the first time I've been so close to, more so preformed on, a Pure White; I'm honored. Pity it's on such circumstances... You see child we will be getting up close and personal in a moment so I figured you may as well know some things before you forget." The woman said and I frowned.

"Forget?" I questioned.

"Let us begin." Manik said ignoring my question. I felt a deep dread crash over me.

I tried to shift but I couldn't.

"Not in here. Not anymore." Manik said in a monotone voice and I felt numbness take over me and found I couldn't move.

"What did you-" my voice just stopped. I tried to form words but none came out all that came from my lips were incoherent like sounds. Manik flicked her hand.

"The wolfsbane." She said and I tensed and tried to break free as my mother walked over with a bonnet of purple flowers, roots and all.

WOLFSBANE in case you wanted a visual.

I shook my head from side to side. My mother handed the sorceress the plants who took them and smiled softly.

"The dagger." She said and my father reached and pulled a large knife from where ever.

I tried to say 'no' but it came out in a weird grunting noise. I watched with wide eyes as she moved close and sprinkled some juice from the wolfsbane root on my forehead. I hissed at the burn I felt on contact.

Katlyn... Firestorm said sounding frightened and in slight pain.

I'm sorry Firestorm, I'm scared too. I replied and she whined.

They mean to kill me. Firestorm deadpanned and I felt tears pool in my eyes.

Yes... they do. I felt my chest tighten as I felt the dagger slice into my arm. Warm blood flowed from the cut. I squeezed my eyes closed as more slashes were given to my arms and legs. It hurt so bad. I started getting lightheaded.

Katlyn... don't forget. She whimpered and I nodded softly.

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