

"Kiss my ass I'm not fighting for you today." She said and suddenly others came out of the crowd all armed and stood beside us. About fifty armed soldiers now stood with us.

Almost as one they drew their guns up and aimed at the army. At their people.

"Mutiny!" Someone said and a soldier scoffed.

"If that's what it takes then yeah." He said loading his gun.

"They're people too." Someone else said and everyone just stood in place. A few more humans came over to our side.

One person rushed right at a wolf and for a second I thought they were about to fight before the soldier leapt on the wolf and yelled happily, "Percy!" The wolf whined and licked her hand.

"You stupid mutt. I told you not to come out here!" The soldier cried and the wolf named Percy nuzzled his snout in her neck. I watched temporarily distracted by the little couple reintroduction.

Apparently human and wolf mates weren't so uncommon...

"You're betraying your own species." The voice from the tank chastised.

"We're doing what we're supposed to do: protect and serve the people of this nation." A young man wielding an AK-47 said sharply.

"They're not human."

"You're blind. I just watched them run in fear. A child was crying, their mother held him. They hid them from our guns. They're protecting them. They're acting more human than we are!" The young man spat.

"What the hell are you all yapping about? Get back over here or I will make sure you're tried for treason." A man boomed and stepped forward. I felt a growl rumble in my throat.

General Edward Jay Hawkins. Chief commander of the nation's defense.

He looked at us with a disgust that you'd think we did something to him personally.

"We can't do that sir. We stand with the people." Someone said roughly and everyone stood still.

"You have thirty-six hours to rethink your decision. We'll be back." The general spat before turning his heels and the army marched away leaving us all tense and watching.

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Prepare yourselves.... it may be a little... shocking.

Ace's P. O. V.

Harper grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the house. Her eyes sparkled and I could see chaotic emotions running in them. I looked at her questioning inwardly what was wrong when she put her finger to her lips.

We were inside when she stopped and before I could ask why she was hiding in a corner I heard voices.

"I always thought she'd choose Dalton. They were such good friends..." a woman's voice said.

"I told you this would happen. Carly I fucking told you but no I'm always wrong aren't I?" A vicious voice spat and I peeked out of the hallway to see two figures. Katlyn's parents I believe. Her father held a gun and was wailing it around. The woman eyed the gun with an annoyed yet conflicted expression.

Her mother Carly scoffed, "Don't put this on me Rich. You're the one who decided to let her keep 'Alpha', what were you thinking?" She said and ran a hand through her hair. I looked at Harper who gave me a quick glance.

"I thought it would awaken her instincts. You were introduced to weres to get going, so was I... she just didn't do it. She didn't kill him." Her father said frowning.

"Because he's her mate and now she's one of them. She's one of those damn animals." Her mother spat.

"Well you seemed perfectly fine with it at her wedding!" Her father growled and shoved the gun in the back of his pants and flung his shirt over it.

"It was her wedding Richard! What was I supposed to do? You were the one slipping up when you found out she was pregnant!" Katlyn's mother yelled and shoved her husband. Richard flew back and Harper gasped in surprise. He instantly got on his feet and quicker than what was normal for a human rushed at his wife and wrenched her up by her shirt.

"I wanted to get rid of that dog a long time ago, but you thought it would hurt her. Now look at us! Squabbling in a house full of mutts! Putting on a face in front of our prey... No Hunter should even be in the same room with a wolf unless we're killing them, you know this and so do I!" Richard snarled and I froze.

They were Hunters.

Hunters were human but stronger, smarter, faster. You could call them a human on steroids. They were made for one thing. To hunt and kill werewolves.

The Hunters evolved from long ago. Rose up from the many humans wanting us, vampires and werewolves, gone. Hunters focused mainly on wolves since vampires were so easily identified. They were especially known for their violence towards wolves, known to kill them with their bare hands; fight them as a wolf or human. They trained for years and bred each other for the strongest offspring. They also had something to do with witches at some point but the facts about that is jumbled and not really known. Hunters were dangerous, are dangerous, made to wipe out species after species.

"Well she's not pregnant anymore and the baby's gone so stop moping about it." Her mother said and Richard slowly put her back down before running his hands through his hair.

"She's still a Hunter. You know her wolf side and that won't mix. This has never happened before." Richard sighed.

"Well if we'd actually told her when she turned fifteen like I suggested it could've, no would have, been avoided. She'd have shot that wolf on sight, no hesitation." Carly said in a gruff tone.

"So what now?" Richard huffed.

"I'm not sure what we can do. She's a Luna Rich. A fucking Luna. Plus she's our daughter... We can't stay here." Carly said softly and Richard nodded.

"We could try the Reversion." Her father said suddenly and her mother paused.

"That's crazy, it's only worked a handful of times." Carly said sighing.

"We can try." Richard said sharply and she sighed.

Harper stepped away from the corner and I backed away as well. A creek of the wood floor made us pause.

"Who's there?" Richard said loudly and I before I could teleport us away like I was going to, Harper stepped out of our hiding place.

I followed and the two looked at us in surprise.

"The bloodsuckers, of course." Richard said with a roll of his eyes and I growled. He frowned at me.

"You're Hunters." Harper said and Katlyn's mother frowned before pulling a gun from her shirt and aiming it at her. I snarled and went to cover my mate. I stood in front of Harper and bared my fangs.

"Silver bullet filled with liquid wolfsbane. It'll burst as soon as it's inside you. Now keep your mouth shut or you're dead. You got that?" Her mother spat with a disgusted look on her face.

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