

"Don't you apologize to me. I should be the one apologizing. I will spend the rest of eternity making up to you." Clayton growled and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you." Kate gasped and Clayton groaned hugging her tighter.

"I missed you too." He said and looked down at her. They leaned close to each other, about to kiss by the looks of it. I tried to look away but it was one of those times when you just couldn't break your gaze.

A scream rang out and they pulled away from each other. Everyone looked around in confusion; a woman ran towards us. She pointed towards the horizon. My gaze followed her finger and I was shocked to see many lights coming towards us. Then I saw something that chilled me to the bone.

A fucking tank.

The humans found us. How the hell did they find us?

Everyone scattered until Clayton called for everyone to go into the pack house. No one wasted time with objecting and soon everyone was packed inside.

I guided them through the halls and put the children and mothers in the safe room. Of course the others with me wanted to fight and I sighed.

I stared at the large number of wolves gazing at me and bit me lip. At moments like this I was glad I wasn't alpha; so many wolves waiting for your say-so was absolutely nerve wracking.

"Fine." I growled and we all hurried to the exit.

Once we made it outside we all froze. In front of the small army of humans armed with guns, grenades and two tanks, stood three white she-wolves, a black wolf, a ebony wolf, and a gray wolf. Beside them stood three vampires, they all stood in front of the house in a protective line.

A tank aimed its barrel at the living barrier.

My breath caught in my throat as no one flinched. Who knew war would start so soon? And with such a stalemate? Who would make the first move?

Well it's getting heated guys.

Ole humans done ran up with the big guns.

Who would stand in front of a tank to save the people that depend on them? Hell, I would.

It is our beasts that can push us, but it is our humanity that makes us strong.

I will update again soon!




Katlyn's P. O. V.

I looked at the army in front of us. Hundreds of humans. Guns all drawn and at their sides waiting for command to fire.

I looked at the tank aimed at us and gulped.

Just because we apparently couldn't die didn't mean this wouldn't hurt like hell. Plus would being immortal even count if we were blown to bits? The thought made me shudder. I didn't want to test that theory out.

Why the hell did we jump in front of a goddam tank? I growled in my head.

Guys I agree with Kate this was a fucked up idea. Let's run around and play "Catch The Live Grenade" next. Nathan's critical and sarcastic voice said through the link.

Well what was your grand idea Nate? Xavier's voice growled.

Shut up old man. Alex's calm teasing voice said. How was she calm?!

I'm only twenty-four, I'm not that old! Xavier snarled desperately.

Oh Goddess, stop fucking arguing we have bigger problems; like hmm, I don't know, maybe the big ass tank about to shoot us! Clayton growled and everyone quieted.

I heard a growl behind us and I glanced back to see a whole militia of wolves with Lisa at the lead. They all stood in front of the house.

Looks like we were going to fight tonight...

I growled darkly and bared my fangs. The others growled as well and we got ready to attack.

Unknown P. O. V.

I stood beside my comrades. My heart thudded in my chest. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead into my eyes. My breath was a little ragged but not from the long march.

I looked past the heads of my squadron and took in the wolves. They were huge and honestly really intimidating. They'd formed a line in front of this giant house that pretty much every other person had fled into.

Three people stood beside the wolves. They glared at us with a look of pure distaste. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

Abruptly the doors to the house opened again and out poured a lot of people. They looked determined. They looked ready for war.

My throat clogged with something I can't really put my finger on.

Heaven knows I didn't want to be here. I was with my family when I received call for my leave. It was disheartening really... especially when this was the reason for my departure.

Maybe they'll put this in the history books as the Second Civil War. Maybe they'll try to sweep it under the rug. Who knows...

But I didn't want to be a part of this. This was not serving my country. This felt like murder. Going against unarmed people? Sure they could shift into wolves but so what? They were still people.

Hell, they were civilians.

Shit, we were about to kill our own civilians. I couldn't do it. I looked at the people around me anxiously waiting for orders and frowned.

I looked back to the wolves. They stood as one and didn't back down.

How were they different from us? Why we're we even doing this?

I bit my lip softly as I felt indignation rise up in me. I wasn't going to slaughter innocent people. That wasn't how I was raised.

I was a soldier not a butcher.

Katlyn's P. O. V.

My paws twitched as I got ready to pounce.

"Wait!" A yell rang out and I looked up to see a soldier maneuvering through the crowd of people. They paused beside the tank. Their hand went up and the gun at their hip jostled.

"This isn't right you can't just shoot them." I could tell from the voice it was a woman. She removed her helmet and black hair fell past her shoulders.

"Soldier get back in line." Someone ordered but the woman held her ground.

"Why are we even doing this? I should be home with my family not out here killing another." She huffed and murmurs of agreement were audible.

"Back in line!" The same voice yelled. It was coming from the tank.

"There are children in there. Families just like ours... why are we out here?" The soldier countered.

A gun was drawn and pointed at her by a man close to her but she didn't flinch instead she spat, "So now I'm the enemy?"

Suddenly two other soldiers, men, stepped forward and pointed their guns to the man.

"Put the goddam gun down. Or I'll blow your head off." One man said harshly and the guy slowly lowered his weapon. The woman huffed and walked toward us.

"Get back here!" A yell said and the soldier laughed.

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