

Well that's got to be about the saddest thing I've ever written.

Yes Dominic was a good guy. Shocker, I know.

Poor Kaden... I'm crying.

How will Clayton/Convel react?




"It doesn't always work out, sometimes someone has to be put 'in check' as some would say."

~ Anonymous

Lexi's P. O. V.

Convel prowled around the house. Literally around the house. He'd made a trail in the grass from his constant walking.

My heart throbbed for him. It'd been months...

The moon hung in the sky. My eyes trailed the large mass of wolves. It was fairly peaceful. I smiled as I saw Harper and her mate drinking some blood and pups watched them with shocked gaping mouths. Her mate's father sat beside them telling something to the pups that made them gasp and grimace before trotting off to play.

Mike sat beside me by the fire. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders. The light of the flames danced against his red-brown hair and twinkled in his amber eyes. He was so cute. I leaned against him and he sighed and played with my hair.

The humans had contacted us a bit. Subtle war threats but right now that wasn't part of our main worry.

If we didn't get my brother under control it would be severely detrimental to all forms of life.

"Do you think we'll find her?" I said as I glanced at my brother whom still walked around the pack house.

"Katlyn will come back." He said sounding so confident in his statement.

"How do you know?" I asked him and he looked into the fire.

"You know that feeling you get when your mom knows you did something and your just waiting for her to bash you about it? Well I get that feeling around Kate, probably because she was always acting like a mom around me, and I'm getting it now." He said and suddenly he stood. His eyes looked around and he started making his through the masses of people. I trailed him as he left the group and stared out at the grassy field. His eyes squinted in concentration.

He suddenly took in a sharp breath and a frown appeared on his face, "No." He said softly and started to walk off.

"No fucking way." Mike said and his pace picked up. I looked around in confusion not knowing what he was talking about or doing.

"Katlyn." He sighed and I looked around in shock. Mike grabbed my hand and started pulling me along.

I looked and saw something move in the distance. My heart lurched. Behind me I heard Convel roar in pain and the figure ahead of us fell. Mike swore under his breath and began running, dropping my hand.

As we neared the figure stood and I almost cried with joy. Katlyn.

She looked exhausted and her eyes were dull. Her hair was a mess, her teeth a little yellowed, her clothes-well whatever clothes she wore- hung from her body. Her feet were bare and covered in dirt and grime. Her stomach was flat and her chest heaved.

Her stomach was flat.

"Katlyn... the baby?" I asked and tears instantly cascaded down her face.

"The lion kills the offspring to show who is in charge..." she said softly in a broken voice. I glanced at Mike and he frowned.

"What?" He asked. Katlyn looked at him.

"He killed my baby... I just felt it... he killed my Kaden..." Kate sobbed and sank to her knees. Anger flowed through me and Mike cursed loudly before linking his hands behind his head.

"Who?" Mike asked with rage in his voice, "Who killed him?"

"Droen... leader of the vampires." Katlyn gasped.

"That's enough Mike let's take her home." I said and Mike nodded and scooped Katlyn up in his arms.

We carried her back to the crowd and immediately everyone quieted. They all stared and Dalton came running up.

"Kate." He sighed. His hand brushed her hair softly.

"Put me down Mike." Katlyn growled and I looked at her in shock at her sudden change of behavior. My mate put her down and she straightened up and combed back her hair. She suddenly looked stronger and not like a woman who'd been missing for months.

"Where is he?" She growled. Her eyes had a glint in them that unnerved me. She looked... angry.

"Where is the Blood Wolf?" She spat and I tensed. She knew...

Everyone hushed and looked around.

"Katlyn?" A voice said and I looked to see Convel standing some ways away staring at his mate with many emotions playing on his face.

Kate looked at him and growled. My brother looked confused.

"I don't know which one of you I'm talking to but I don't care. Clayton-Convel, this is all your fault. They took me because of you! And why the hell didn't anyone tell me about your goddam killing sprees, especially you! I could've been prepared..." she shook violently and Convel took a step toward her.

"Stay away from me! Our son is dead because of you!" Katlyn snarled and bared her fangs at my brother.

"What?" Convel said looking torn. Katlyn gave a bitter laugh.

"They killed Kaden to get a rise out of you! They wanted you to be this monster and you sure as hell didn't disappoint." She growled sneering at him.

Clouds started to roll in and lightning danced in the darkness. Wind blew harshly and the bonfire started to dim.

"The Blood Wolf couldn't control his temper and looks where it's got us!" She spat and tears rolled down her eyes. Her hair whipped around her face. Her eyes glowed.

Suddenly rain started pelting down and Katlyn let out a mournful wail. Convel fell to the ground and was drenched by the rain. His hair clung to his forehead and clothes plastered to his body. He linked his clawed fingers behind his head and bowed low go the ground. He gave a sharp shudder and looked up. I blinked the water form my eyes. I took in his appearance and golden-red eyes.

Clayton was back.

My brother jumped to his feet and crept up to his wailing mate. Everyone watched through the rain too engrossed in the scene to look away.

He paused in front of her. His hands reached out and gripped her shoulders. Katlyn's wail stopped and she opened her eyes. Their eyes met and then they were both sobbing.

Katlyn flung herself at Clayton and they held onto each other like a lifeline. Which in a way they were each other's lifelines. They needed each other now more than ever.

"I'm sorry." Katlyn said and Clayton pulled away a little.

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