

"Emillia." She said and I finished, "Thank you Emillia." She looked at me and smiled softly.

"I'm really sorry about all this, people are just fearful of Droen. I'll try my best to get you out Katlyn." Emillia said softly and before I could say anything the door opened.

A tired looking Dominic walked in and shut the door, before he spoke Emillia beat him to it, "I told her Dominic. No need to be hostile." Immediately Dominic relaxed and an actual smile came to his face.

"Thank you Em. Look Katlyn I am really sorry about my behavior... I never wanted to hurt you." He said looking down at his feet. I nodded slowly and Kaden gurgled. Dominic looked up and smiled at him. He took a cautious step toward me.

"Can I hold him?" He asked and I nodded softly and he strolled over to the bedside. He held out his hands and took him from me gently. Dominic smiled and held him to his chest.

"What's his name?" He asked staring at him with a small smile.

"Kaden." I said softly and Dominic smiled wider.

"Hey Kaden." He whispered and rocked him softly. Dominic stared at him with wonderment in his eyes and glanced at Emillia.

"You'll get them both out correct?" He asked and she sighed.

"I'll try Dom but you know I'm clueless as to when Droen will order he be removed." Her words made a growl rumble in my throat.

"Dammit Emillia get them both out I'm begging you." Dominic said with a sad voice.

"I'll try." She said and looked away. Dominic growled and handed Kaden back to me.

He leaned close to me and combed my hair back, "I love you..." he sighed and stepped away from me before looking to Emillia. I didn't know what to say.

"I'll see you soon Emillia." He said and exited the room.

"Wait." I said before he shut the door. Dominic paused.

My heart thudded in my chest. I had love for him and I couldn't deny him of knowing.

"I love you too." I said softly and he shut the door behind him and I was left with a grinning Emillia.

"You just made his entire existence... thank you." She said and I nodded.

"Do you think he could get a second chance mate?" I asked Emillia and she shrugged.

"Hopefully." Was all she said.

I looked down at Kaden and let him start to breastfeed. He was so adorable. I couldn't lose him.

I was moved back to my cell. I held onto Kaden as I walked into the dark room and they slammed the door and locked it behind me.

He whined at the darkness enveloping us and I sighed and held him closer.

"Mommy's got you." I breathed and kissed his head. He cooed and gripped some of my hair in his little hands.


I growled as men I didn't recognize came into the room. They looked at me and frowned and smirked.

It'd been some time since I'd had Kaden and he was beginning to crawl around. I'd healed and was pretty much back to normal besides the fact that I was weak and tired.

I groaned as the men injected me with something before they knocked me over the head. With a snap of the fingers my hands and feet were bound by chains.

Beside me Kaden whined and his little hand grasped my arm. I shook away my grogginess and was about to pick him up when he was wrenched away from me.

For a second I was stunned, thinking he'd disappeared, but then I realized a man held him. He smiled wickedly at me and I growled softly. He gave a deep maniacal chuckle.

"You know my orders." The man growled to his companions. Rage surged through me.

Droen. His dark hair was combed back and his eyes were a pale icy blue. He almost looked like Dominic. A creepier, scarier, uglier version.

"No! Give me back my baby! Give him back!" I snarled pulling at the silver chains around my wrists and ankles. I ignored the burning and lunged for the men.

"Oh Luna that's not how this game works." Droen said holding Kaden and he chuckled. I snarled as my pup started crying and squirming in the beast's grasp.

"Say bye to mommy." Droen said in a sick twisted voice and bile rose in my throat. He made Kaden wave his hand to me. Tears blurred my vision.

"No... please don't... give him back please." My voice broke as they started toward the door all the while Kaden cried and wailed.

"That's not how this game works." The bastard chuckled and opened the door. I was temporarily blinded by the light and just as my eyes adjusted the door closed again and I was met with the dull darkness.

I heard Kaden's fading cries and then all was silent.

I was alone.


My throat was sore from crying and I sat in the corner of my cell whimpering. They'd taken my Kaden.

They were going to kill my baby.

"What type of a mother am I?" I cried. I let them take my baby. I should've hidden him.

Suddenly the door opened and shut. I didn't bother to look at who it was.

"Shit. Kate get up. I'm getting you out." I looked slowly over to Emillia.

"They took him." I croaked. Emillia unlocked the chains binding me.

"I know honey... I'm sorry, I only just found out that Droen had arrived." She said in a sad voice. My shoulders shook.

"It's not your fault." I said emptily and stared at the floor.

"Come on. It'll be alright." She said tugging me to my feet. I stood and whined.

"My baby..." I sobbed and Emillia sighed.

"I know... but we have to go now." She said and pulled me out of the room. She dragged me down many hallways and finally practically threw me out of the building. I blinked at the night sky.

Dominic appeared next to me and he frowned.

"Where's Kaden?" He asked and Emillia looked down.

"I was too late." She sighed and my heart wrenched.

"Fuck... fuck! Emillia get her out of here. I'm done with his treachery." Dominic growled and started back to the door.

"Dom no! You know the punishment of going against Droen!" His sister yelled and he growled.

"He killed Kaden. He killed my mate's son. He will be the one punished." Dominic hissed and his eyes glowed red. Then without a word he disappeared. Emillia gave a distressed cry.

"Come on we must go." She said and pulled me away.

"I'll try to teleport us but I've only done it once." She said and I shrugged. I didn't care. She took my hand and everything faded around us.

I felt tears build up in my eyes. How was I going to face my mate knowing I'd lost our son?

My Kaden was gone forever...

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