

The man's tongue slipped into my mouth and no matter how much I wanted to pull away I couldn't bring myself to do so. He groaned and pulled the ropes from my hands and instead of pushing him away I pulled him closer. He unbound my feet and instead of running or kicking I flung my legs around his body. He gave an approving grunt.

"Err... boss?" A voice said and for a second the man pulled away.

"Out." He ordered and I heard the opening and closing of a door. Then his lips met mine again and his hands gripped my butt before laying me down under him on the cold ground. I couldn't think straight. I wanted this man, but at the same time I desperately wanted Clayton. Clayton. Where was he?

"Where's Clayton?" I said and the man growled. He locked his dark eyes on mine.

"Back at his home. Probably forgetting about you." He said with a sad look. I blinked feeling pain pierce my heart.

"He wouldn't forget about me. He's going to find me... he loves me." I said. The stranger just shook his head.

"The Blood Wolf does not love." He retorted in a tone that made it seem as if I were crazy.

"Blood Wolf?" I asked in confusion.

"Your Clayton is the Blood Wolf. No one told you?" He said and I frowned. He sighed and shook his head.

"That's a shame. You didn't even know what a monster you were letting in between you legs." He said and I couldn't help growling.

"My mate's not a monster." I snarled and the man shook his head slowly.

"Naïve girl... I can prove it to you if you don't believe me sweetheart." He said and scrubbed his hand down his face. He suddenly started laughing.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked and the man chuckled.

"Your mate. Before you were here he was Clayton Ravenwolf, also and better yet Convel Ravenwolf. The Blood Wolf. Most feared alpha in the world. Murderous. The perfect killer... We need that alpha back Kate. We need a killer." The man said with a shrug.


"Because that's what the people need to see. A bloodthirsty dog. Fear is the best weapon." He chuckled.

"He's killed more than you can imagine. Especially when someone makes him mad. He's murdered whole packs by himself. Why do you think everyone decided to help you? Not just because of the threat of humans, but the threat of your mate's wrath willed them to." He said in a factual voice and his eyes studied me.

I shook my head, "No. I know my mate." I looked away from the man.

"Some just have to learn the hard way." He said and disappeared for a moment and returned with papers. He sat in front of me and began going through them. I looked on and my heart raced.

"Alpha Clayton murders Lilak Pack. Kills over eight hundred. Ravenwolf Pack is now the largest pack." He reads part of an article.

"Blood Wolf, A. C., leads pack on raid of Mamoon Pack. Alpha Phinox surrenders. Five hundred estimated dead." He tosses the paper aside.

"Blood Wolf goes on rampage at meeting of the packs. Three alphas killed along with several others." The man reads on and I frown.

"Ravenwolf Pack attacks Holand Pack no survivors..." he sighs and looks at me. My stomach was churning. It couldn't be true.

"Here." The man claiming to be my other mate said holding a laptop. Where'd the hell did he get it from?

He turned it on and started typing on it. After a moment he turned the screen to me and I gulped as I looked at a video. My heart almost stopped when I saw a young man fighting in a crowd and then a black wolf took his place. The wolf ripped into people and wolves trying to fight. Soon bodies began dropping. The camera was obviously on some sort of aircraft or drone from its angles. I watched as my mate mowed down people... so many people and then there was one left. The alpha. Clayton soon decapitated him and held his head like a trophy. The drone lowered and Clayton saw it. His younger self smirked wickedly.

"This is what happens when you don't listen to me. You die. Isn't that right Alpha Frottec?" My mate said training his attention back to the head in his hands. He made the head nod and it took everything in me not to throw up.

Clayton laughed and threw the head away. His eyes shown red and he looked at the camera.

"Shows over." He growled and shifted into his bloody black wolf. The last thing the camera recorded was Clayton lunging at it and crashing into it.

The man turned it off and I swallowed the bile in my throat.

"Crazy right? Your Convel sure knows how to kill." He chuckled and I glared at him.

"His name is Clayton." I hissed.

"Not when he loses it. He's Convel." He chuckled softly.

"Why'd you show me that?" I asked and he smirked.

"Fear is the best weapon." He said and laughed, "What would the humans do if they saw that? There'd be no way they'd think wolves were safe. Not that they do now anyways." He chuckled hysterically and sighed.

"You're a disgrace to the wolf kind." I spat and he just cackled.

"Who said I was a wolf?" The man countered and smiled showing long fangs and blood red eyes. He chuckled softly and licked his fangs.

"You're a vampire? What the hell is going on?" I said in confusion, "I thought vampires wanted to help us."

"Oh those traitors helping you mean nothing. They are pathetic; sympathizing a weaker species like you." He said in utter disgust.

"Wolves helped you." I spat.

"Wolves did nothing while my kind were killed off! Only when we were almost wiped out completely did a pack decide to help us! Then we had to go into hiding like rats!" He yelled then chuckled a little.

"Now wolves will know what its like... especially when your little mate throws another one of his tantrums." He smirked and my stomach flipped.

"Why did I feel sparks?" I questioned and he smiled.

"The art of deception my love. Every vampire has a craft they are best at. But don't get me wrong you could be a grand mate. If only you weren't a wolf but I could make an exception for you." He smiled and took my hand in his. I frowned at the sparks.

"Vampires choose their mates Katlyn... You tempt me." He said and brought my hand up to his lips. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked away from him as he gingerly kissed my skin.

"Clayton's my mate." I said softly.

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