

Upon arrival I stopped as a rippling sensation rushed through me and I looked around and my eyes landed on a strong looking man with dark eyes standing beside a smaller looking young woman and when my eyes met hers I nodded in respect.

"Future Moon Goddess. I'm Katlyn." I said meeting her fiery blue eyes. She slowly smiled and the man beside her looked shocked and I chuckled softly at his expression.

"I'm sorry did you not want people to know?" I asked apologetically and the girl waved her hand in dismissal.

"It's fine. Everyone's bound to find out anyway. Especially with this crisis we're in." The girl said and the man snorted. She looked over at him and intertwined her fingers with his. I noticed his eyes twinkle when she did this.

"Don't be cross my love. I was going to tell you I just didn't know when was the appropriate time." The woman said leaning against the man who I could now sense was an alpha.

"It's okay Alex." The man said hugging the woman-Alex to him. She grinned softly and I smiled.

"Alpha Xavier." Clayton said coming to stand beside me.

"Alpha Clayton." The man said dipping his head.

"No time for formalities people we have a war to discuss." Alex said and I smiled wider at her getting to the point.

"There are others coming right?" Alex questioned and I nodded. Just then in walked Eli and Nathaniel.

"Where are y'all's packs?" I asked and everyone nodded outside.

"Come on then." I said and everyone went back outside.

"Well looks like we walked in for nothing." Nathan grumbled and Eli whacked him on the head. He growled softly and I tried my best to withhold my sighted bubbling inside.

I paused as I looked at all the people outside there had to be at least one hundred. I pack linked everyone and told them to come out as well. Soon enough there was over six hundred werewolves in front of us. I smiled softly. My parents were in the crowd as well and I grinned at them.

"As some of you have seen we're being threatened by the president of the..." I spoke and everyone listened intently tensions building with every word.

I will update again whenever I can!

Once again thank you all for reading.

Please comment, vote and share :)

Harper's POV

I looked out at the sparkling lake and sighed. Wind billowed through my black hair and I smiled at the cool feeling.

"Have you seen the news?" Someone said beside me and I looked over to see Ace. His dark hair stuck up in different directions and I smirked as I nodded.

"Yep." I said popping the "p." He sighed.

"So what do you want to do?" He said. I shrugged and rolled my shoulders as I stretched.

"I'm not sure. I think they'll be fine." I said. My boyfriend, well my mate, let out a growl. I looked over at him and frowned.

"We can't be caught Ace. You know that." I said and he nodded.

"But they'll need help." He said in an argumentative tone. His eyes flashed pure gold before they faded back to their golden brown. I sighed and let out a hiss.

"Ace you know we can't. Your father would be pissed." I countered. He frowned at me and for a second I thought about giving in.

"Well I'm tired of acting like everything's okay Harper." He said stepping closer to me.

"Ugh you always had a soft spot for the weres." I said and sighed. Ace gave a soft smile.

"What can I say? The wolves taught us a lot Harper." He said and I nodded.

"I know that Ace, but fighting with them? We'll risk so much." I sighed. His hand laid on my shoulder and sparks zapped through me as he pulled me to him.

"We'd be just like our tales say if we don't. We must help them." He said and placed a soft kiss on my head. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Fine... But you're telling your father not me." I said and smiled as he chuckled.

"Deal." He said and in the blink of an eye we were at his house.

I smiled softly and walked inside. I gave a sigh as I was greeted with the familiar setting of his home.

You see Ace and his father had taken me in last year. I was a reject. Thrown out of my previous home because I was slow in growth. My strength had been poor and my fangs hadn't even really grown in. But that was before I met Ace.

Right away I felt a connection. I wasn't alone. Ace had taken me to his father immediately and they cared for me. In a few weeks I was stronger and my fangs finally came in. Ace had told me all I needed was some love and support.

He'd asked me to be his mate and I agreed without hesitation. I loved that crazy boy.

Unlike werewolves, vampires can choose their mates. But if you feel a spark like I had with Ace that's all the more reason to choose them. Now we were bonded in a way no one could break.

"Harper, you okay?" Ace asked and I blinked and nodded. He smiled and pulled me toward his room.

"We're supposed to be looking your father." I pointed out and he stopped. I smirked as disappointment flashed in his eyes before he blinked.

"Oh yeah... Come along then." He said leading me through the house.

"Dad? Dad, ya in here?" He called and I looked around.

"Living room." Came a reply. We both hurried to the room. Ace's father sat on the couch watching the news. Ironically it was talking about the weres again.

"Father... I want to help them." My mate said and instantly his father was on his feet. He turned swiftly toward us. His eyes glowed golden and he let out a growl.

"Help who?" He said in a sharp voice and I saw Ace tense.

"The wolves." He said softly and his father grimaced.

"Why should we help the wolves? It isn't our fault they've got themselves caught." He said in a superior tone.

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