

The alpha growled and pulled me off the wall. Suddenly my back is pressed against something soft and welcoming and I realize I'm laying on a bed. The alpha gripped my waist and growled in possessiveness.

"Alpha-" I started. My hands pressed at his chest.

"It's Xavier." The alpha groaned as he kissed my neck. I felt a smile coming to my lips and I forced it away.

"Xavier please stop." I sighed. He groaned and sat up crossing his arms over his chest and frowning at me.

"Why are you being so hostile? I'm your mate." Xavier growled and I looked away from him.

"Is it because I didn't stop them? Do you hate me because of that? Because it wasn't my fault! I could do nothing! I tried to stop them I did but they took you... They took you from me!" He exploded at me with anger. I blinked at him and suddenly it came rushing back to me. I knew this alpha.

"You- you were there! You're the youngest alpha!" I yelled and bolted upright. Shame showed on Xavier's face as he looked at me. I stood up and backed away from the bed.

"Did you know what they were going to do to me? Did you?!" I spat at him. Xavier shook his head frantically and growled. He sat at the edge of the bed.

"If I'd've known they were gonna do that I'd've taken you from them. Dammit Alex I'm sorry... They didn't r-rape you did they?" He was shaking and he looked so angry. He paused in my silence then continued sounding broken.

"I tried, I really did. But they kept moving you. Every time I got even remotely close you were already gone again. I tried for years to find you. Years.... I thought I'd lost you. I- I couldn't even see any mates in my pack at first without flying into a rage. I wanted you but I couldn't find you... Please don't blame me for what they did. Don't be angry at me I can't stand it." Xavier slumped off the bed and knelt in front of me. There were tears in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my stomach. Seeing him like this was strangely tearing me apart. I suddenly felt a rush of longing.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I'm not mad." I said softly. I was shocked I'd said it but it was true I wasn't even a little mad at him. Xavier looked up at me and gave a nervous cautious grin, "Really?" I nodded and Xavier stood and stared down at me. I felt a spark in my body reminding me of the first time I'd seen him. He smiled softly.

"Can I kiss you? Please love?" He grumbled and I blinked. I tilted my head to the side in thought then after a second I nodded. I wanted him to. His eyes shown with love and excitement.

He leaned down and grasped my waist as he kissed my lips. For a second he pulled away and I heard him sigh and chuckle a little.

"What?" I breathed growing insecure.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that..." He sighed and I smiled. He pressed his lips against mine and deepened the kiss.

I sighed as we kissed but it was soon interrupted by pounding on the door.

"Alpha you need to see this!" A yell made us pull apart. Xavier growled and flung the door open.

"What?" He snarled and the boy standing at the door bowed his head in respect.

"The living room. Please Alpha, Luna you both must see this." The boy said and for a second I paused. I almost forgot that since my mate was an alpha I'd be a Luna. My mate left the room and I followed a little slower as everything set in.

When we reached the living room we saw that many pack members were staring at the television and tension rang thick in the room. It was on the news. I looked over at the tv and read the headlines.


My heart stopped for a second. Then the broadcast switched to a press conference and there stood President Larkin.

"These creatures are dangerous and we are afraid for the people of these United States. We have been threatened by these two." The president said and two faces popped up on the screen.

"Alpha Clayton and Luna Katlyn?" Xavier growled and I glanced over at him.

"Trey get them on the phone now." Xavier said while staring at the television. The boy scurried away.

"There's more of them I'm sure and we must be careful. We will protect you at all costs." A video of Alpha Clayton showed him chocking a man by against a wall in the Oval Office. I gulped as I watched.

"Once again they are dangerous and we will take care of it. You have nothing to fear. I'm sending the military for reinforcement as we search for them. We will fight this because we are Americans, we are strong." The president ended and so did the broadcast.

"But mommy we're American too?" A little girl said hugging on to her mother's leg and I watched as her mom petted her head.

"I know pup... The humans just don't see it like that." My heart ached and I growl ripped from me.

"Turn that shit off." I growled and pointed to the television. My heart pounded in my chest and I growled as protectiveness pumped through me. Someone hurried over and turned off the tv while I whirled around and stomped toward the front door.

No one was going to mess with my pack or any werewolves while I was around.

Another update coming along!

I hope you all are enjoying.

Omg I can't believe that this book has gotten over 8K views! Thank you guys!

It gets mildly sexual in this chapter but nothing too graphic.

Katlyn's P.O.V.

"I can't believe what that bastard was saying!" My father grumbled as he paced around the office. Him and my mother had shown up a couple of minutes ago worried and angry.

"They're practically calling you terrorists!" My mother said throwing up her hands from where she sat on the couch.

"I'm not just going to sit idly by while my daughter is persecuted." My dad said stopping his pacing. Clayton wrapped an arm around my waist and let out a low growl.

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