

"Oh you're in for it." He growled. Okay I'll admit it I thought he was talking about it so I naturally went into a defensive posture and growled darkly. My heart beat strongly and I stared at him. At his hands making sure they didn't come near me. So many males had said those words to me... I admittedly lost control for a second.

"No male will ever touch me again! Back away now! Back away! If you touch me I'll rip your fucking arm off and shove it down your throat!" I screeched backing away from him. I looked around wildly and seeing a gap in the people around me I darted between them and sprinted back the way we'd came. Guess it was time to choose flight.

I couldn't shift and I was tired and soon someone caught up to me and grabbed my arm. I whirled around and pushed at the person with all my strength but another person grabbed my other arm. I tried struggling but soon gave up. The bastards had me.

A growl ripped from my lips as they started shuffling me back to the house and for the first time I realized a man standing in the group. As we approached closer I got a better look at him.

The man was built well. His body rippled with muscles and his jawline was chiseled and perfect. He had on a gray muscle shirt and I could see his drool worthy abs underneath. Stubble of a beard marked his face in an oddly cute way and his brown eyes watched me closely as I was stopped in front of him and the group that was now bigger than before. This man was like a model. His eyes searched me and my wolf whimpered.

Lark what was that? I asked softly avoiding the alpha's gaze. I could feel Lark fidget inside me.

I'm sorry I don't know why I did that. Lark's voice said and I dismissed it as she faded into my subconscious.

"How old are you?" A deep voice broke me out of my thoughts. I snapped my eyes upward to look at the alpha.

I had to think for a minute. Okay longer than a minute. I looked sort of embarrassed at the people around me. I shuffled my feet and finally said, "What is today?" Some snickers rose up and I growled darkly.

"Shut up you mutts." The alpha snapped and the snickering abruptly resigned.

"It's November the third." The alpha growled and I nodded doing the math in my head. It took me a little while but it was only because I'd moved around so much it's hard to keep track of my years. It's not like I've had a birthday since I was eleven. Not even much before that.

"I'm seventeen about to be eighteen December second." I answered with a satisfied smirk.

"Okay..." the alpha said, "follow me." He turned and walked into the house and I reluctantly followed. I stood tall and followed him into the house. Apparently there was no way getting out of this. But there was something about him.

I'll be updating again soon!

I walked into the house and followed the alpha. He walked ahead of me and I stared at his back. His muscles flexes with every stride and I tilted my head to the side wondering what this feeling I was getting in my stomach was.

He stopped in what I'm assuming is the living room and sat on a black couch. I stood awkwardly by the couch and looked at him. He motioned for me to take a seat in a red chair and I sat down with a sigh.

I'd've felt better if the man wasn't staring at me and I looked back at him challengingly which only made him growl deeply. I only blinked as he snarled at me revealing his wolf eyes for a moment. I'm assuming he was trying to make me submit but I wasn't feeling like rolling over.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked plainly and his snarl dropped. He was starting to shake a bit. He looked around the room quickly then growled.

"Come on." He stood swiftly and grabbed my arm. There was a weird feeling sprouting from where he touched me and I gasped. I was pulled along through many rooms before we ended up in a large dark room. The alpha let my arm go and shut the door and my heart started racing with nervousness. I started to creep back towards the door and the alpha snapped his head towards me.

He muttered something. I think he said great. What's so great about this? He continued to just stare at me and it was creeping me the fuck out.

"Well I'm just going to go..." I said softly inching toward the door. The alpha growled and took a step toward me.

"Mate." The alpha said louder and I cocked my head to one side. Mate? Oh wait- no...

Alex... Lark whimpered and I snorted in disgust. Why? Why did I have to have a mate? Why am I finding him now? Why-

My thoughts were cut off when the alpha cleared the gap between us and pushed me against the wall. It wasn't really rough just enough to hold me there. I couldn't look at him. My body screamed in pleasure as my mate was so close to me.

"Alex why are you so tense?" The man said in a voice that had my body turning to jello. I'm lucky he was holding me up.

"I don't want a mate-" my words hitched as the alpha softly kissed my neck. I tried not to enjoy it but soon my eyes were closed and I was tilting my head so he could kiss me more. His lips left a trail of sparks on my skin and I moaned.

"Don't moan like that." The alpha growled into my skin and I held another moan in my throat.

His lips moved to the sensitive skin on my collarbone and I couldn't help the moan that escaped me. Oh shit.

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