

There was a pause and then a sound of, "Come in," was heard. The men went inside and we followed.

The Oval Office was a nice looking place but we weren't here to sightsee. I looked over at President Ace Larkin and grimaced. He was a sturdy man in his late forties. His gray brown hair was snipped nicely and his ebony eyes watched us as we filed in and the door was shut.

"Hello? What's this about?" President Larkin said shooting a humble smile. I tried my best not to sneer. Though Clayton was shooting daggers with his looks.

"There was a boy found recently... Mind to enlighten us as to what happened to him?" I asked taking a seat by the presidential desk. Immediately President Larkin's body tensed.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." He began and I scoffed.

"He was young. You found him in the wreckage of a car crash. I've heard that you got rid of him. I came to know if it's true." I said and I could hear his heartbeat pick up. I had my answer.

"Oh so it is true. Well I'd like to see video of the situation following... I know you love to record everything nowadays so don't bother lying again." I said and the president straightened his suit.

"Now listen here little lady-" he started and I snapped.

"That's Luna Katlyn to you and you will listen to me now and get the damn video!" I snarled standing up.

"You're one of-" the president tried and I lifted my hand to stop his words.

"The video." I said in a calmer voice. I had a feeling they wouldn't show me. It was versatile really. All they had to do was show me the damn video. Clayton chuckled and laid his hands on my shoulders. No one moved and I nodded slowly and sucked my teeth feeling my fangs slip down briefly before I forced them back.

"I see we aren't going to agree... You killed an innocent child. Our kind are many. This unjust act will not go unnoticed and we are prepared to fight." I growled. That got things riled up quick as a flash.

"You dare come in here and threaten me?" The president said and his men started to move closer. Clayton snarled and his canines flashed out as he snarled his eyes blazing red. Everyone immediately backed up to where they'd been earlier. The men started mumbling about something and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Shut up!" My mate growled and everyone, except myself, flinched. I scoffed at the men's fear.

"We won't tolerate your dangerous kind." The president said trying to be brave and I nodded.

"Then you've started a war Mr. Larkin, I hope you're prepared for the consequences of your ignorance." I said calmly and stood up.

"Don't be too sure of yourself Missy." The president said sharply and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Don't underestimate who you're dealing with human." I growled and strutted over to Clayton. My mate wrapped an arm around me and pulled me against him.

"You can't just walk out." A secret service man said and Clayton whirled around to face him.

"Who's gonna stop us?" He snarled and his wolf's growl laced every word. The man faltered and looked away for Clayton's intimidating form. He straightened his suit and shot all the other men a 'guys help me' look.

"N-no one." The man stuttered out and Clayton nodded curtly.

"Stupid dogs." A man mumbled and Clayton snarled and suddenly he was pinning a man against the wall with his hand over his throat.

"I'll kill you." My mate snarled and suddenly guns were drawn and aimed at him. My heart jumped up to my throat and I gasped before growling.

"Lower your guns." I growled and stepped toward my angered mate. Clayton only growled and squeezed the man's throat harder.

"Lower your guns. If you make him any madder he really will kill him." I snarled and watched as every man exchanged looks as they held their guns at my mate.

"I'll show you a dog you pathetic waste of space." Clayton snarled and his fangs inched toward the man's neck.

"Baby you're better than this. Just come to me Clay." I said soothingly and watched as my mate's grip loosened. The man took in a large gulp of air and Clayton tossed him to the ground. With a growl he turned to me and stalked back to my side. His fangs retracted and his eyes went back to their normal golden red.

"You see-" the president started but my snarl cut him off.

"Don't you dare use that to prove a point. Pass this message on to your generals or whatnot... The people of these United States are safe from this war. We will only fight those attacking us. Good day Larkin, men." I said in my most polite voice. Then Clayton and I left. And no one stopped us.

Sorry for the wait.

I'm thinking of so many ways this can go down its almost humorous...

Please vote, comment and share!

Love you guys!!!

This chapter is short***

The ride home was quiet and as soon as we reached the familiar woods of our territory I started to bubble with anticipation.

"Let's get this started." Clayton said and I leaned over and brushed my hand reassuringly on his leg. He looked over at me and his eyes darkened.

"I'm going to step out of the car... I need some fresh air." I said and got out.

"Wait for me." Clayton said as I shut the door. In moments he was out as well and I walked toward the woods but not far from the car breathing in the sweet scents of the wilderness. Clayton wrapped his arms around me and turned me to him and I giggled. I looked up into my husband's lustful loving eyes. A soft smile came to my lips and he swooped toward me and pressed his lips against mine in an urgent, affectionate kiss. After a moment he pulled away and sighed.

"I meant to do that earlier." He said softly and I nodded my head in acknowledgement. I leaned closer and brushed my lips against his and smirked as he groaned.

"I love you." I breathed and he kissed me again. Soon enough we were locked in a passionate make out and Clayton combed his fingers through my hair as I wrapped my arms around his waist and gripped the edge of his shirt.

"Tilt your head." Clayton growled as he pulled away from the kiss. His voice made me grow weak and I obediently did as told. I gasped as his fangs buried themselves in my neck as he marked me for a second time and I let out a moan. I moved my head back as he licked and kissed my new mark and let my fangs slip out. Clayton groaned as I marked him again and I gasped as I felt the bond suddenly growing. Clayton gripped my waist and pulled me against him.

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