

Guys? I asked after I felt as though I could feel their presence.

Yes Luna Kate? I smiled at Drew's voice.

Yeah? Came Eli's hesitant reply.

Who's this? I almost snickered at Nathaniel's confused voice.

It's Katlyn. Now all of you listen. A war is coming and Clayton and I are on our way to the Capitol. Watch everyone we'll explain more when we return. Their confused responses came and I shut off the link.

Clayton was speeding through traffic and I was surprised an officer hadn't tried to pull us over. It was going to be a long ride.

"I can't believe they killed that boy." I sighed and Clayton growled. Anger surged through me and I fought to control it. That could've been a pack member, could've been me or Clayton. They just disposed of him like garbage after they got what they needed.

"It's what humans do. They kill what they see fit." Clayton said darkly and I sighed.

"I was human Clayton." I pointed out and he looked at me with a soft gaze.

"I know baby but you were different." He said softly and turned his eyes back to the road.

"This war is with the government not the people." I stated and Clayton nodded. Clayton stepped on the gas and we raced on toward our destination.

They'd pay for this. War was coming and we'd be ready.


"We're almost there." Clayton said. We'd been driving forever.

We'd finally made it to the home of the Capitol after fifteen hours of speeding. Amazingly we'd avoided getting pulled over. We were hungry, tired, and angry but we were on a mission and that's all that mattered at the moment.

I'd looked up things on the way and found out they were giving a tour of the home of the president today. It was now 11:26 AM and the tour would begin at 3:00 PM. So we had to wait a little while before we could go. Clayton hadn't really liked the idea of going in with a group of humans we didn't know but we'd be less conspicuous that way, as I explained it to him. So now we just sat in the car and waited.

We'd changed into more suitable clothing and now we just awaited our moment. From where we'd parked our car we could see the big white building being hit perfectly by the sunlight giving it a magnificent glow.

The wait was grueling and Clayton and I had decided to just sleep in the car. When it was finally time to go we bolted out of the car. The streets were busy with people as we walked toward the big house.

We paused outside of the gate and let other tourists gather around us. After a quick weapon search we were allowed entrance and a guide waltzed us toward and inside the building. It was huge and almost breathtaking if you weren't hardened by a mission of battle.

I noticed some men in black walking around with coiled tube earpieces in their right ears. Obviously secret service. The group we were with started to walk away and I let them. Clayton gave me a sideways look and nodded toward the men in black. I got the message and started walking toward the closest one. The man stopped as I walked up to him and I smiled at him softly. He wore shades over his eyes so I couldn't really see if he was looking at me but I could sort of feel it.

"Can we see the president?" I asked a bit hesitant at how strange it sounded. I mean why would they let me? I was well aware of the guns they all held. The scent of gunpowder was thick in my nostrils. I could almost taste the metallic dust.

"Ma'am he's busy and we can't just take random people to meet the leader of the free world." The man said hotly and started fiddling with his earpiece. I bit back a growl at his rude response.

"But we need to see him. Please." I said and flashed him a pleading look and soft smile. Clayton growled a little behind me and I shot him a look.

Don't flirt with him. He growled in my head and I inwardly giggled.

Just trying something out babe. Believe me I would NEVER intentionally flirt with another man except you. You're my mate. You're MINE. I responded and I saw a smile come to my mate's handsome face. Sparks rumbled inside me. I focused my attention back on the man. He looked at me with a not so hidden smile and I could feel lust flow off him.

"Ma'am I don't know..." He said softly. I stepped closer and I could feel his eyes travel over me and I heard Clayton cough to cover up his growl.

"This is a matter of national security." I told the man in front of me. His gaze hardened and I saw him swallow. Clayton stepped beside me as more men came toward us.

"We have to see the president." Clayton said in a calm voice but I could tell he was getting agitated. The man scoffed and another of the men spoke up.

"Why do you even think we'll let you talk to him?" He said in a nonchalant voice.

"Because we've heard that you killed one of our people... A young boy? With qualities unlike yours?" I hissed and everyone around tensed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." A man started and Clayton snarled.

"You dare lie to us? I'll rip you apart if you don't take us to him." My mate growled and his eyes turned red.

"Babe. Calm down." I sighed and laid my hand on his shoulder. Clayton let out a breath and relaxed.

"Please just take us to him." I said in a steady voice and the men all exchanged glances before boxing us in their bodies and leading us through the house.

So we went through numerous rooms and hallways until we paused outside of a large door. One of the men knocked on the door and said, "Mr. President we've got a situation and a couple here would like to speak to you."

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