
A light in th dark



One minute before I and Diandra were at each other’s throat, my hands itches to grab her and show her the exact rage I was feeling

And I never knew I could have such hate for someone as I did with Diandra, at a point, I dreamed to be friends with her but right now, never.

I wanted to cut that smug look off her face, she moved forward to give a swipe at me but she stopped when the doors to the dungeon opened

And Dex came in with a look of panic in his eyes “ they are here, they have the place surrounded” hands combed roughly through his hair as he liked the wall in anger “ fuck fuck fuck!”

And alarms started blaring around the whole cave, they were here! They had come, malias message reached them! She was safe and she was with them!

I could almost cry out in relief as the siblings looked at me and Diandra ordered at me “ stay put” she snapped at me with a deadly glare before she locked up the cell and a guard was appointed back to the cell to look after me and make sure
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