
Strike back

Kaiden still had not let go of Freya he held her as she leaned in for comfort, she only let go when could still hear the noise and screams from outside from the ongoing attack but it looked like they were safe,

He was real, Kaiden was real and he was right here hugging her, giving her the comfort she desperately needed from the days she was trapped in this hell hole. She pushed herself off him to get a good look at him and he was all bloodied up and had marked. A fight.

“ what happened? Whose blood is on you?” Freya asked as she looked at Kaiden’s body with worry

“ That bastard Dex, I ripped his arms out forever touching you and putting you in harm’s way, I figured you’d want Diandra to yourself” he Explained with a playful hint in his eyes,

“Good” Freya called as she caressed his face, but she could see the light in his eyes fade when he looked over her bruised body, “and Lucien?” she asked with a desperate tone but Kaiden didn’t answer immediately,

She wondered why he was so qui
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