
A turn of events


I laid on the bed, my body cold from the reoccurring image of the old witch being cut to the ground mercilessly by Aldro and the blood splaying everywhere, But what woke me up from the horrible dream was when I heard the doors lock open,

I opened my eyes to see it was Malia who had come in with a tray of food, Her face was as calm and stoic as always and I didn’t react in any way till the guards closed the doors and Malia neared the bed and dropped the tray on the tables and body slightly to me

“ hello Malia” I first uttered but no answer, instead I saw her gaze land on me like she was silently studying me, maybe wondering if I was sent to do all this by Aldro to test her loyalty and if I had planned this to catch her

Her eyes I’m sure judging my poorly stained gown my cloth coated with dried blood and my face stained with dried tears and swollen eyes, I must look horrible

I walked to the small bath at the side, peeling off my clothes from my body, as I got the water and c
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